By: pcr3|08 September, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Now It Is the White House that Is Smearing Tucker Carlson Paul Craig Roberts CNN, NY Times, and WH Press Secretary Bates Are Smearing Tucker Carlson as a Hitler apologist in an Attempt to Shut Him Down. Tucker interviewed Darryl Cooper whose view of World War II appears to be based in the 50-year research of historian David Irving.…
Read more »By: pcr3|07 September, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
List updated Sept 8 I am Proud of my Readers For me the reward from the website is the intelligent readers. You provide an escape from American insouciance. Thank you for responding to my question about who we should expect to find on the Ruling Establishment’s list of those to be silenced or exterminated. We all know, of course, that…
Read more »By: pcr3|07 September, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Trump’s Sentencing Judge Changes the Date so as Not to Interfere with the Election Paul Craig Roberts The Democrat operative pretending to be a judge who set Trump’s sentencing date for September 18 has backed off and reset it for after the election. The Democrat operative said he changed the date in order to avoid the appearance that he was…
Read more »By: pcr3|06 September, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Who Is On the Enemies List? Paul Craig Roberts As I suspected the ruling elite have an enemies list. As Tulsi Gabbard is on it, I assume all are on the list who question official narratives. Americans are so insouciant and brainwashed that they cannot see the tyranny that is staring them in the face. How does one help…
Read more »By: pcr3|06 September, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Does the Ruling Elite Have an Extermination List? Paul Craig Roberts Look at the size of Tucker Carlson’s audience. It exceeds that of all Demorat politicians combined. Tucker is dangerous to the American gestapo establishment. That is why he and Elon Musk head my list of Americans who are likely to quietly disappear once the Kamala regime has been…
Read more »By: pcr3|06 September, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Persecution of Reiner Fuellmich Indicates the Rise of a New Nazi Germany Peter Koenig For 11 months, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, German Civil Rights lawyer, has been unjustly retained in prison in pre-trail detention that exceeds the permissible time. Like Julian Assange, Dr. Fuellmich is imprisoned without evidence, trial, and conviction. The German Gestapo State has simply thrown him in…
Read more »By: pcr3|04 September, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Resurrection of Nazi Germany The 21st century version is worse than the 20th century version. Paul Craig Roberts Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a renowned German attorney who has succeeded in holding elites accountable. He is widely appreciated by people for bringing justice to bear where it is needed. During the years of the Covid hoax, Dr. Fuellmich organized a…
Read more »By: pcr3|04 September, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Immigrant-invader Gangs Busy at Work “liberating” Colorado Apartment Houses Paul Craig Roberts Dear Americans, you desperately need to WAKE UP. You are losing your country and your liberty and your property by the minute, and almost half of you are about to vote to keep in power the Democrats who are destroying you. In Colorado heavily armed immigrant-invader gangs are…
Read more »By: pcr3|04 September, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Truth is being Removed from the Western World, Leaving a Gestapo Police State in its Place Paul Craig Roberts Not even one value of Western civilization remains. All values that composed an era of freedom have been repudiated. The example of the hour is Telegram owner Durov’s indictment in France. The basis of the French indictment is that Telegram’s privacy,…
Read more »By: pcr3|03 September, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Tyranny Is Closer Than You Realize Paul Craig Roberts It is strange that there is no discussion of it, but in two weeks and one day on September 18 Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for president in the November election in two months, is scheduled by a corrupt Democrat “judge” to be sentenced for 34 felony counts pulled out of…
Read more »By: pcr3|01 September, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
A Vote for Kamala Is a Vote for Tyranny When We Lose the Constitution, We Lose America Paul Craig Roberts It is clear that large numbers of Americans have no conception of what is at stake in the November presidential election. Insouciance, being an American trait, is especially high this Labor Day Weekend. Probably few heard Kamala Harris say on…
Read more »By: pcr3|30 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Assassination Attempt that Wasn’t Paul Craig Roberts The ruling establishment’s attempt to assassinate Donald Trump has been swept under the rug. Not even conservatives and Republicans want the truth out. The reason is that the truth shatters the idealistic illusions and delusions that “USA, USA, USA Conservatives” have about America and casts discredit on the US government. To acknowledge…
Read more »By: pcr3|29 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The 2024 US Presidential Election Has Already Been Stolen Paul Craig Roberts On August 28, I listed some of the electoral procedures Democrats are putting in place in order to steal the November presidential election: Minneapolis has designated those who entered the US illegally “justice impacted individuals” and put them into a protected class which apparently includes the right to…
Read more »By: pcr3|29 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Final Extermination of Palestine Has Begun . . . and in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli colonial army has pushed the 2 million surviving Palestinians into an area of less than 15 square kilometers (less than 6 square miles). It continues bombing them. The obvious aim is to push the whole population into Egypt’s Sinai desert and to provide…
Read more »By: pcr3|28 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Democrats Who Rule Minneapolis Are Making Illegals Legal Paul Craig Roberts The Minneapolis Civil Rights Department has created a category for illegal aliens who entered the US illegally with the full approval and help of the Democrat Obama and Biden Regimes. This new category of those requiring civil rights protection are designated in Minneapolis as “Justice Impacted Individuals.” They are…
Read more »By: pcr3|27 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The World is Devoid of Intelligent Leadership Paul Craig Roberts I am more convinced than ever that we are headed for nuclear Armageddon As readers know, I admire Russian President Putin, but the reasons I admire him make him a failed war leader. Putin is a product of an old conception of foreign affairs as a rational enterprise conducted by…
Read more »By: pcr3|26 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Agenda Is To Elect Kamala The Democrats last hurrah or the death of a nation? Paul Craig Roberts Dear American, this is your next presidential administration: It will be anti-white, anti-family, pro-open borders, pro-legalization of sexual perversity, pro-sexualization of young children, and pro-war. It cannot be deterred by your votes, because the election will be stolen. In the…
Read more »By: pcr3|24 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Fed Returns to Liquidity. Will It Elect Kamala? Paul Craig Roberts In previous years I regularly reported on the monthly jobs reports. I explained that most of the jobs gains were in lowly paid service jobs, that many and even most of the jobs were part time, and that the jobs numbers were not the same as employment numbers…
Read more »By: pcr3|22 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Ever Widening War Paul Craig Roberets The Kremlin has an amazing inability to confront reality. Peter Koenig explains that NATO has now invaded Russia by entering Kursk, and the Kremlin still pretends it is involved in a limited border conflict with Ukraine in Donbas. Indeed, the Kremlin is so far removed from reality that Russia’s leaders were incapable of…
Read more »By: pcr3|21 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Rigged Polls Creating a False Narrative to Enable Election Theft Paul Craig Roberts I have repeatedly warned that rigged polls are turning Kamala into the leading candidate in order that the theft mechanisms Democrats have in place can be used to steal the election,. After the suspicions raised by the 2020 and 2022 elections, it is risky for the establishment…
Read more »By: pcr3|20 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns . Guest Contributions
The Western World Has Succumbed to Tyranny Paul Craig Roberts We can add Richard Medhurst to Tulsi Gabbard, Scott Ritter, Amb. Craig Murray, Julian Assange, and many others who are harassed, arrested, imprisoned by police state authorities in the US, UK, EU, and Canada for practicing the disappearing profession of journalism. When Richard Medhurst can be arrested in a London…
Read more »By: pcr3|19 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The NAZIFIED EU and Democrat Party Paul Craig Roberts A question of our time is why do Europeans put up with the tyrannical EU scum? As I previously reported, the EU has told Elon Musk that they, not he, control the content of his interview on X with Donald Trump. The EU is an unelected governing body. Yet it…
Read more »By: pcr3|15 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Third World America August 15, 2024 Note to readers: The latest information is that the earliest I can expert Internet service to be restored is Monday August 19. I hope to be able to post on August 20. It will have taken high tech superpower America a week to restore my Internet service. The outage was not caused by a…
Read more »By: pcr3|15 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Note to Readers: This is the 3rd day of my Internet service being down. It seems to be a large system failure. No information available about restoration of service. Postings might be irregular and limited as local library blocks foreign news sites. The Digital Revolution Is Satan’s Master Weapon Paul Craig Roberts UPDATE: 2.9 billion records, including Social Security numbers,…
Read more »By: pcr3|13 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The EU Commission Shows Its Totalitarian Colors Paul Craig Roberts Tierry Breton, one of the tyrants that comprise the European Commission, has ordered Elon Musk to censor “harmful content” in his interview with US presidential candidate Donald Trump or face the EU’s “full toolbox” of legal repercussions. Breton warned Musk that the EU would be closely monitoring his interview of…
Read more »By: pcr3|12 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
America Is Entering End Times Paul Craig Roberts Does anyone remember the 2020 presidential campaign? Trump campaigned widely and had massive audiences. Enthusiasm was everywhere. Biden ventured out of the basement a few times and no one attended his campaign rallies. Trump got more votes in the 2020 election than he got in the 2016 election, but Biden got more…
Read more »By: pcr3|11 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Our Future Paul Craig Roberts Over the course of my life I have watched interest in ideas die. Ideas have been replaced by agendas, and emotion has taken the place of reason. American political campaigns have always been burdened with mudslinging and misrepresentations, but I can remember when presidential campaigns also involved contrasting ideas about domestic and foreign policies. The…
Read more »By: pcr3|11 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Anti-white, Anti-British UK police commissioner now Threatens Elon Musk with extradition and imprisonment British Police Commissioner Declares Extra-territoriality of UK Law Paul Craig Roberts Washington’s practice of declaring the extra-territoriality of its laws has spread to the UK. The woke white British commissioner of police threatens to extradite American citizens from the US for exercising their free speech rights…
Read more »By: pcr3|09 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The American Police State Has Murdered the Constitution Paul Craig Roberts “You are only free to speak your mind in the US if you are saying what the authorities want you to say.” — Tara Reade An American, even a former US Marine and UN weapons inspector, who takes issue with official explanations dear to Washington’s heart, will be accused,…
Read more »By: pcr3|09 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Putin Relies on Reason which the West Has Abandoned Paul Craig Roberts Vladimir Putin is an old-fashioned American liberal. He believes in reason, good will, working things out, and agreements despite having zero evidence that any such reciprocating belief exists in the West. Putin’s illusions have caused him and Russia extraordinary difficulties. Russia is currently at war in Ukraine, although…
Read more »By: pcr3|08 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
What was the Reagan Revolution about? Paul Craig Roberts It depends on whether you were part of it or viewed it through the eyes of the liberal media. I was a part of the Reagan Revolution. Reagan adopted the Kemp-Roth bill and the supply-side policy it represented as his economic policy to cure stagflation. As I had written the bill…
Read more »By: pcr3|07 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Why Did America Give Away Its Manufacturing Jobs? Paul Craig Roberts Not long ago a couple of publishers asked about my memoirs. I told them I had no interest. Memoirs are an enormous undertaking, especially when your files haven’t been organized for the purpose. Moreover, many of mine have been discarded in moves. When you have lived as long as…
Read more »By: pcr3|06 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Road to War Paul Craig Roberts It is OK for Israel and Washington to escalate the situation, but not for Iran or Russia. Here is the way it works. Israel assassinates a Muslim leader on Iranian territory, and then the media goes into action calling on Iran not to escalate the situation. Iran doesn’t, and from Iran not “escalating…
Read more »By: pcr3|04 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Posting Monday’s columns ahead of arriving hurricane Americans Happily Give Away Their Country Paul Craig Roberts As millions of immigrant-invaders walk into America aided and abetted by the US government, the momentum grows to give them the vote. Whether or not given the vote, immigrant-invaders are already voting, if not by themselves casting a vote then by their registrations being…
Read more »By: pcr3|03 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
An Infamous Ruling By Paul Craig Roberts May 12, 2004 Twenty years and three months ago I wrote an article on the 50th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education. This was the US Supreme Court decision that racially integrated public schools in America. Liberal elites saw the decision as a hallmark ruling for racial integration. More importantly, it was…
Read more »By: pcr3|03 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Insouciance of the Good is Evil’s Best Ally Paul Craig Roberts Annemarie Axon is a federal district judge for the northern district of Alabama. She was appointed by President Trump. Her appointment, judging by her recent ruling, is further indication that Donald Trump is not up to the challenge of draining the swamp. Judge Axon has just ruled against…
Read more »By: pcr3|02 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Are Americans a Totally Conquered People? Paul Craig Roberts The various “investigations” of the Secret Service’s failure to protect Trump are focused on operational and communication failures. The fact that the Secret Service did hardly anything normal procedures required has not yet raised the question whether elements of the Secret Service were involved. The failure is too large to be…
Read more »By: pcr3|02 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Shame Is Dead in the Western World Paul Craig Roberts What kind of people are running the Olympics and International Boxing Association that they allow men to brutalize women? A female boxer, Angela Carina, was paired with a man, Imane Khelif, in a boxing match that lasted 46 seconds. It is shameful that the Olympics and the International Boxing Association…
Read more »By: pcr3|02 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Trump Attorney Sidney Powell Was Falsely Accused by the Corrupt American Elite because She Provided Conclusive Evidence that the 2020 election was stolen Paul Craig Roberts The corrupt Texas Bar Association tried to discipline Powell for bringing forth evidence they did not want revealed. But a Texas Court of Appeals struck down the corrupt Texas bar association. Americans should note…
Read more »By: pcr3|01 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Are You Ready for Pandemic 2.0?
Read more »By: pcr3|31 July, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Economic Situation of the West Paul Craig Roberts Once upon a time America had a capitalist economy. Bank deposits were used for loans that expanded productive ability. America produced its own goods and grew its own food. America’s currency was backed by gold and inflation was nonexistent. New technology brought into play by new investment improved the productivity of…
Read more »By: pcr3|30 July, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Is Trump setting up his own assassination? Paul Craig Roberts Trump says that if Iran does assassinate him, “which is always a possibility, I hope that America obliterates Iran, wipes it off the face of the Earth.” Think about that for a minute. What is it that Israel and the neoconservatives want most? The answer is for the US to…
Read more »By: pcr3|29 July, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
A Tale of Two Cats Paul Craig Roberts As readers know, this is not a feel good site. It is not a BS site or a gossip site. This is a site for people who want to know what is really happening and why it is happening. It is for people who value family, the Constitution and a morally, politically,…
Read more »By: pcr3|28 July, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Where Matters Stand Paul Craig Roberts The assassination issue has been reduced to operational failure and insufficient budgetary resources for the Secret Service, and the assassination has been moved aside by Kamala’s emergence as the Democrat candidate for President. The presstitutes are again speaking with one voice preparing the narrative of a close election that makes it possible to use…
Read more »By: pcr3|26 July, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
USA as I knew it has passed into the trash bin of history Paul Craig Roberts Kamala Harris says she has raised $230,000,000 in campaign funds from rich American liberals. Why are rich American liberals so determined to have Kamala as President of the United States? One reason could be because she, unlike Trump, is easily controlled, so the explanation…
Read more »By: pcr3|26 July, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Are there skeletons in the closet of NBC’s VP choice for Kamala? Paul Craig Roberts Since posting this article: “Democrats Need Second Thoughts About Possible VP Candidate Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro:” media have been hyping Shapiro as the VP Kamala needs: Shapiro is suspected of covering up a murder in order to protect a politically prominent family. The…
Read more »By: pcr3|25 July, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
US Representatives Jim Jordan & James Comer Must Undertake a Congressional investigation of the Assassination Attempt on Trump Paul Craig Roberts There is competent analysis on the Internet of acoustic evidence indicating more than one shooter involved in the attempt on Trump’s life. Obviously, what is needed is a credible, brave, credentialed acoustic expert to analyze the acoustic evidence. This…
Read more »By: pcr3|24 July, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
There Will Be No Real Investigation of the Assassination Attempt on Trump Paul Craig Roberts Since my last update, Mike Adams has changed his position again. He now believes based on the latest evidence that there were two shooters. Since Mike Adams backed off of his more than one shooter hypothesis where at about 7:35 he says he can’t sustain…
Read more »By: pcr3|24 July, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
UPDATE to the interpretation by Mike Adams of the acoustic evidence Paul Craig Roberts Mike Adams reports he has acquired 5 other recordings of the shooting taken from different locations. It is not clear by who and what the chain of custody has been. The one he first reported on is the Fox News recording from the podium where Trump…
Read more »By: pcr3|22 July, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Update: Here is Rep. Jim Jordan giving Cheatle hell. As you can see, the Republicans are not even in the ball park. The issue as framed by Republicans and media is: did the Secret Service provide enough resources to protect Trump. This is not the issue. The media will treat Jordan as a Republican male picking on a woman.…
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