By: pcr3|29 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
No Longer Sustained by Education, Western Humanity Is in Death Throes Paul Craig Roberts Universities no longer produce educated people, and educated people are ceasing to exist. It is an interesting question, not to be discussed here, whether the disappearance of educated people is cause or result of the rise in barbarity that is engulfing the world. Wherever one looks…
Read more »By: pcr3|26 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Will Russia Collapse in 2025? Paul Craig Roberts Is Putin’s Government Trying to Be a 19th century liberal government in the brutal evil world of the 21st century? I raise this question not only because Putin has been fighting in his gentlemanly way a war on Russian territory in Ukraine for six months longer without yet winning than it took…
Read more »By: pcr3|24 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Greatest Gift of All Paul Craig Roberts Dear readers, I appreciate your support of this website over the years since you called me out of my short-lived retirement. My Christmas column of many years ago has become a tradition beloved by many, including myself. Here it is for 2024: The decorations and gifts of Christmas are one of our…
Read more »By: pcr3|23 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Support your website Trump in 2025 Paul Craig Roberts As President-elect Trump’s inauguration approaches, Trump supporters are happy in their thoughts that Trump will halt the inflow of immigrant-invaders, pardon the wrongly imprisoned Jan 6 attendees, stop America’s participation in wars that benefit only Israel, and hold accountable scoundrels such as FBI director Wray, AG Garland, and a large…
Read more »By: pcr3|23 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Putin Has Been at War in Donbas for Longer than It Took Stalin’s Red Army to Defeat Nazi Germany Paul Craig Roberts No one is afraid of Russia, not even tiny Moldova. Transnistia is a disputed territory that seceded from Moldova. Washington, having engineered an end to the Russia-Ukraine natural gas transit agreement means energy supply problems for Moldova, the…
Read more »By: pcr3|22 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The existence of this website depends on readers’ support. If readers do not support it, it will not exist. Justice Has Departed America. Will Justice Return? In America Right and Wrong Are No Longer an Objective Issue. Paul Craig Roberts Readers of this column will remember some years ago my many reports on gratuitous police violence, often resulting in…
Read more »By: pcr3|20 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
This website depends on readers’ support. Is Reality Gaining a Foothold on Putin’s Thinking? Paul Craig Roberts As Laura Logan says, American journalism is a bloodsport that massacres truth-tellers. I have been labeled almost every name in the book–conspiracy theorist, Putin agent/dupe, Reagan fascist, anti-semite, holocaust denier, left-wing nutcase, right-wing nutcase, domestic terrorist, racist. Unable to refute my analysis,…
Read more »By: pcr3|19 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
This website relies on readers’ support. The American Media Is a Collection of Whores Who Prostitute Themselves for Money Paul Craig Roberts “We are once again watching the lights of freedom going out all over the world. And it is up to us to determine if they will be lit again, ever.” — Laura Logan Lara Logan, one of the…
Read more »By: pcr3|19 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Is Putin Capable of Strategic Thinking? Paul Craig Roberts My doubts about Putin’s ability to think strategically go back to 2008. I have always been a defender of Putin in that the aggression is from Washington to Russia, not vice versa, and that Washington, not Putin, is responsible for the conflict in Ukraine. Nevertheless, I had early doubts about Putin’s…
Read more »By: pcr3|17 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
This website relies on readers’ support. Will Putin Fight or Surrender? Paul Craig Roberts In his meeting the other day with the Russian Defense Ministry Board, Putin discussed the accomplishments of the past year and measures needed to ensure Russia’s security from Washington’s aspirations for world dominance. “We see the US administration and the collective West relentlessly trying to…
Read more »By: pcr3|15 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
If you value truth, support his website or it will cease to exist. People who tell , or try to tell, the truth have their reputations blackened. If there is no public support for truth, there will be no alternatives to official explanations. When Putin Sold Out Syria and Iran, Did He Sell Out Russia? Paul Craig Roberts Many wonder…
Read more »By: pcr3|15 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Seven Countries in Five Years Paul Craig Roberts The media brothel has presented the HTS terrorist/democratic opposition as Syria’s rescuer promising peace and friendship. But videos emerging reveal a campaign of violence, hangings and machine-gunning of people. It is Muslims killing Muslims, Arabs killing Arabs. The reason Arabs are powerless is that they had rather kill each other than fight…
Read more »By: pcr3|13 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Without readers’ support, this website will not exist Russia and Iran Lack Strategic Vision Where there is no vision the people are lost. Paul Craig Roberts The latest report is that Israel has carried out 480 air strikes on territory of the former Syria and Israeli troops are moving deeper into the country. Netanyahu claims credit for Syria’s overthrow which…
Read more »By: pcr3|12 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
This website relies on readers’ support. A Dramatic Change in the Correlation of Forces Paul Craig Roberts “There is a genuine question whether Syria actually exists anymore.” — former UK Ambassador Craig Murray. The Israelis are taking more and more of Syria. Qatar, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey are complaining about Israel’s occupation of parts of what was formerly…
Read more »By: pcr3|11 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Greater Israel Is On The March Paul Craig Roberts Syria no longer exists. The Russian news service RT reports that Israel has launched the largest attack on Syria in history with Israeli warplanes hitting more than 250 military targets. Other reports put the number at 300. The Israeli Defense Force reports it has destroyed 80% of Syrian military capability. This…
Read more »By: pcr3|10 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Putin-the-Unready Is Beginning to be Held Accountable Paul Craig Roberts John Helmer’s December 8 report from Moscow substantiates my conclusion that the Russian government’s inability to acknowledge reality, instead relying on agreements with Russia’s enemies, results in failure . In Ukraine by trying to minimize conflict, the Kremlin maximized conflict. In Syria relying on diplomatic rather than military means resulted…
Read more »By: pcr3|10 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Death of Democracy Paul Craig Roberts The electorate in Romania chose Calin Georgescu as their president. But the West said NO! You see, Georgescu is opposed to US military bases on Romania’s border with Russia. So a Romanian judge was paid a bagful of money to cancel the election. The current president, whose term expires December 21, following Zelensky’s…
Read more »By: pcr3|09 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Updated December 9, 2024 This website relies on readers’ support Putin and Xi and Iran The Unready Paul Craig Roberts The third front that Washington opened against Russia had immediate success. Putin’s inability to ever finish a task has cost him Syria. Putin stupidly repeated the mistake he made with the Minsk Agreement with the Astana Agreement which permitted…
Read more »By: pcr3|09 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Carlson’s Interview of Lavrov Paul Craig Roberts Interviewed by Tucker Carlson Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov showed that he and the Russian government are relying on legalistic arguments and the right of self-determination in the UN Charter. In view of the world’s tolerance of Israel’s ongoing genocide of Palestine, Lavrov’s legalisms are the weakest possible reed. Lavrov even goes so far…
Read more »By: pcr3|09 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Does Russia Have an Intelligence Service? Paul Craig Roberts I think not. There is a bureaucracy, an office, and someone with a title, but there is no intelligence. Putin did not know that a US trained and equipped Georgian Army was about to invade South Ossetia and went to the Olympics in China. Putin didn’t know that the US…
Read more »By: pcr3|08 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
This website needs its reader’s support In the West Law Is Being Separated from Truth and Justice Paul Craig Roberts The Biden regimes discussion of “preemptive” pardons for Tony Fauci, Adam Schiff, and Liz Cheney is the Biden regime’s admission that these people have committed felonies in their efforts to destroy Donald Trump and that Fauci by lying about the…
Read more »By: pcr3|08 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Updated December 8, 2024 This website relies on readers’ support Putin and Xi and Iran The Unready Paul Craig Roberts The third front that Washington opened against Russia had immediate success. Putin’s inability to ever finish a task has cost him Syria. Now only Iran and Saudi Arabia stand between Israel and Israel’s goal of Greater Israel. The…
Read more »By: pcr3|06 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
US Opens a Third Front Against Russia Paul Craig Roberts The problem with President Putin is that he never finishes anything. He has let Russia’s conflict with Ukraine, which should have ended in three weeks go on for three years and talks about ending it with negotiations, in which he will again be deceived. He does nothing while the US…
Read more »By: pcr3|03 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
This website depends on readers’ support Rising Death Rates and Health Injuries from Covid Vax Can No Longer Be Covered up Paul Craig Roberts Ireland joins international initiative of 11 States calling for a suspension of mod mRNA vaccines, citing serious health concerns. Joining Ireland’s call is Dr. Francis Boyle, author of the U.S. ‘Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorist Act of…
Read more »By: pcr3|03 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Georgia: A Second Front for Putin Paul Craig Roberts President Putin faces the possibility of a second Ukraine, a second war front that could result from Washington’s success in staging a coup d’etat in Georgia with a color revolution. Riots ongoing since the “Russian party” defeated the “Western party” by 54% to 34% have convinced the Prime Minister of Georgia…
Read more »By: pcr3|02 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
This website depends on readers’ support The Pardon Paul Craig Roberts Joe Biden said he would not pardon his son, but he did. Pardons reside with presidents and governors and are supposed to be used to correct an injustice or when a service has been done by the pardoned person that offsets the harm of the offense that is pardoned. …
Read more »By: pcr3|02 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
This website depends on readers’ support Orwell’s Forecast of a Tyrannical Britain Has Proven Correct Paul Craig Roberts When George Orwell’s 1984 was published in 1949 everyone believed the dystopia he described was Soviet communism. Orwell said it was a description of Britain in the future. It took 75 years instead of the 35 years that Orwell estimated judging by…
Read more »By: pcr3|01 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
December has arrived bringing my quarterly request for your financial support. The Return of Status-based Law Paul Craig Roberts In this episode of On Target, Larry Sparano and I discuss the assault on the Constitution by the Speaker of the House, Majority Leader of the Senate, and president-elect Donald Trump. The assault weapon is the Antisemitism Awareness Act, which…
Read more »By: pcr3|29 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Ever Widening War Paul Craig Roberts RT reports that the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service has concluded that the West is planning to prevent a Russian victory by sending 100,000 NATO troops to occupy Ukraine. I doubt the 100,000 NATO soldiers will have any more success than the 600,000 dead Ukrainian ones, but the threat of deploying NATO soldiers…
Read more »By: pcr3|28 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Thanksgiving Remember, Thanksgiving is a celebration of the immigrant-invaders who overran, destroyed, or removed from power, the native inhabitants of North America. The same thing is now happening to North America, Western Europe, and the UK. Mass immigration is the best weapon of globalism. It destroys ethnic-based nations and national conscience A tower of babel is neither a nation nor…
Read more »By: pcr3|27 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Western World Retreats Deeper Into Unreality Paul Craig Roberts Dear Readers, Don’t you think it is strange that humanity faces the possibility of extinction and there is no peace movement? Does our insouciance extend so far that we are indifferent to our existence? Even alternative media sites such as Simplicius downplay the threat On November 18, 2024, the US…
Read more »By: pcr3|25 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Utter and Total Insanity of Western “Leadership” Paul Craig Roberts Posting for November 26, 2024 Dear Readers, Since my strong warning yesterday of the stupidity and insanity of Western leaders who are without any doubt driving the world to nuclear Armageddon, the hyper dangerous situation has further deteriorated. While we all look forward to Thanksgiving holiday, the leadership of…
Read more »By: pcr3|25 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Will Washington Destroy the World? Paul Craig Roberts Americans who think themselves informed because they watch CNN, read the NY Times, and listen to NPR, regard my warnings about nuclear war as disinformation, even hysteria. They say that US government officials, such as Secretary of State Blinken and National Security advisor Jake Sullivan, are not stupid or insane. Dear readers,…
Read more »By: pcr3|24 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Can Armageddon Be Avoided? Is the West, Lost in its Own Lies, Trapped in the Pending Disaster Washington Has Brewed? Paul Craig Roberts December is almost here and brings my quarterly appeal for your support. The situation in the world is more threatening than ever before. Putin has had to make it clear that a continuation of missile attacks on…
Read more »By: pcr3|24 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
A Nano Second to Armageddon Paul Craig Roberts The new Russian missile, which is being deployed with conventional warheads means that NATO is indefensible and poses no conventional threat to Russia. All US missile and military bases in Europe and the Middle East can be instantly destroyed with the use of conventional weapons, as Scott Ritter explains in the video…
Read more »By: pcr3|23 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
How lies become facts and the world ends Paul Craig Roberts Endless repetition by whore media and careless media turn lies into truth. Whatever media you read, you read that “Russia invaded Ukraine.” The lie is not limited to official narrative-controllers, such as the NY Times, Washington Post, Reuters, AP, Bloomberg, CNN. Wikipedia, NPR, ABC, CBS, NBC, BBC, Telegraph, Guardian. It…
Read more »By: pcr3|22 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
We Are Faced with the Extraordinary Event that Washington Chose to Go to War with Russia Paul Craig Roberts PCR On Target with Larry Sparano This interview from two days ago explains the dangerous situation into which the Biden Regime has placed life on earth by Washington’s conscious decision to go to war with Russia. The Russian government made…
Read more »By: pcr3|21 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Breaking News: Matt Gaetz Removed as Attorney General Appointee
Read more »By: pcr3|21 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Corrupt and Totally Evil American Establishment Has Eliminated Matt Gaetz, Trump’s Nominee for Attorney General Paul Craig Roberts Fabricated sex scandals were the corrupt establishment’s weapons. If that beautiful woman standing next to Gaetz is his wife, the falsity of the scandals is obvious. Dear President-elect Trump, Ken Paxton, the attorney general of Texas is sitting there waiting. …
Read more »By: pcr3|21 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Prospects for Trump’s Agenda Paul Craig Roberts Cities and states controlled by left-wing Woke anti-American Democrats are busy at work organizing to oppose the will of the American people as expressed in the presidential election. In Pennsylvania the corrupt Democrat authorities are openly defying the ruling of the State Supreme Court and counting invalid ballots in their effort…
Read more »By: pcr3|21 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
US Government Funded Creation of the Coronavirus Paul Craig Roberts Robert Redfield, former Director of the Centers for Disease Control, has revealed that US government agencies funded the creation of the Coronavirus. “They funded the research, both from NIH [National Institutes of Health], the State Department’s USAID and the Defense Department.” According to the former CDC chief, the “scientific mastermind…
Read more »By: pcr3|20 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Where Life and Freedom Stand Paul Craig Roberts I appreciate the confidence that readers show in me by their many emails asking if there really is to be war between the US and Russia and whether it is possible for Trump to achieve anything. I cannot possibly answer individually and continue to write and research for this website. I try…
Read more »By: pcr3|19 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Western World Has Degenerated Into Idiocy Paul Craig Roberts The moron, Annalena Baerbock, Germany’s foreign minister, has threatened China for supporting Russia. What is it with Western politicians that they think they have authority over the foreign policy of sovereign countries and threaten powerful countries that can blow them off the face of the earth? Why do they…
Read more »By: pcr3|19 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
We have arrived at the point I said we would via the process I said would lead to where we have arrived Paul Craig Roberts The video is a speech Trump gave a year ago. In light of Biden giving approval on Sunday to missile attacks on Russia, Trump’s speech is the relevant response today. The problem I have with…
Read more »By: pcr3|18 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Has Biden Just Destroyed the World? Paul Craig Roberts Among the many slips between cup and lip of which I have warned await Trump and his administration is the long gap between the election of the President and his inauguration in office. As I pointed out, this long time–two and one-half months–gives the current administration the ability to commit the…
Read more »By: pcr3|18 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Trump and the Constitution Will the Constitution Be Voted Down with Trump’s Support Prior to Trump Taking Office? Paul Craig Roberts It looks like Philip Giraldi ( ) and Mike Whitney ( ) are correct. Israel, not MAGA, won the election. The current Democrat Majority Leader of the Senate, the current Republican Speaker of the House, the current…
Read more »By: pcr3|17 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Will Washington Succeed in Opening More War Fronts for Russia? Paul Craig Roberts Western NGOs have sent the Georgian opposition political parties that they finance into the streets to protest the Georgian Dream Party’s sweep of the legislative elections. The Georgian Dream Party favors pragmatic relations with Russia, whereas the collection of small parties financed by the West want to…
Read more »By: pcr3|15 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Has Matt Gaetz Been Set-up for Eviction from Public Life? Paul Craig Roberts I have had a horrible thought. Of all of Trump’s appointees, Matt Gaetz and Robert Kennedy will be the most difficult to get confirmed. And Gaetz has resigned from the House of Representatives where he is the most effective member against the ruling establishment. Was his appointment…
Read more »By: pcr3|14 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Trump Picks RFK Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services HOPE SPRINGS ANEW Paul Craig Roberts I am astonished and delighted. I hope it isn’t fake news. President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday said he is “thrilled to announce” Robert F. Kennedy Jr as his nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) in a statement on social…
Read more »By: pcr3|14 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Realistically, What Are Trump’s Chances to Make American Great Again? Paul Craig Roberts No, MAGA Americans, I am not a party pooper. I am a realist. No, I am not trying to make Trump look bad. I was Trump’s defender against all the false accusations and indictments. I insisted that we had to stand up for Trump and elect him…
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