By: pcr3|31 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Mexico Rejects Big Pharma Pressure to Vaccinate Children Mexico’s President Andres Manuel López Obrador said: “Mexico will not be held hostage by pharmaceutical companies that only want to do business and scare children with the idea that it is necessary to vaccinate against Covid-19.” In remarks made earlier this week, the Mexican leader said his government was still waiting for…
Read more »By: pcr3|31 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
The “Delta Variant” Is Caused by the Vaccines CDC Says 75% of “delta variant” Covid Cases are Among the Covid Vaccinated CDC says masks known to be even less effective than the ineffective vaccines are the answer. Sweden’s Chief Epidemiologist says Mask-free Sweden’s Covid deaths hovering at Zero Chief Epidemiologist warns against “far-reaching conclusions” made in US. Says the “delta…
Read more »By: pcr3|31 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Statistical Evidence from Around the World Shows that Covid Cases Explode Upward Following Covid Vaccination So are the vaccines causing Covid or vaccine-induced illnesses mistaken as Covid?
Read more »By: pcr3|30 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Alleged “Kidnapping of Gov. Whitmer Was an FBI Plot to Create the Fiction of “Domestic Terrorists” so White Americans Can Be Arrested on False Charges White Americans need to understand that they are the target of “their” government
Read more »By: pcr3|30 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Covid Vaccine Is Now Causing Its Own Pandemic According to this news report— —an internal CDC document has concluded that Covid vaccinated people shed the delta variant and spread it as easy as Chickenpox. So what is the CDC’s solution? A call for universal vaccination as the best tool against the delta variant. In other words, the low grade…
Read more »By: pcr3|29 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Facts about Slavery that Never Are Told In Black Studies and Critical Race Theory Courses
Read more »By: pcr3|29 July, 2021|Categories: Articles & Columns
Update: July 30,2021 The Covid Vaccine Is Now Causing Its Own Pandemic According to this news report— —an internal CDC document has concluded that Covid vaccinated people shed the delta variant and spread it as easy as Chickenpox. So what is the CDC’s solution? A call for universal vaccination as the best tool against the delta variant. In other words,…
Read more »By: pcr3|29 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Corrupt Biden Regime’s Jan. 6th Show Trials Threaten All of Us The charges against January 6 Trump Supporters are political charges made by political prosecutors in political courts. The US is now living Stalin’s show trials. Th DOJ has utterly destroyed the credibility of the US government.
Read more »By: pcr3|29 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Why is the Biden Department of Injustice Threatening Republican state legislators who are looking into electoral fraud? The only possible answer is that the Democrats did steal the election and the utterly corrupt Department of Injustice is going to make certain that that fact never comes out. You can bet your life that the Republicans will be cowed and submit.…
Read more »By: pcr3|29 July, 2021|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Covid Scam Is Unraveling Paul Craig Roberts The Covid Scam is collapsing across the entire front much like the Wehrmacht after Stalingrad. Mask mandates and lockdowns are on the comeback because health authorities now admit that the Covid vaccines do not offer effective protection, especially against what are called “new variants.” What is the point of a Covid passport…
Read more »By: pcr3|28 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
All the Covid Information that the Presstitutes Suppress
Read more »By: pcr3|28 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
1500 Health Professionals Say Covid is the “Biggest Health Scam of the 21st Century
Read more »By: pcr3|28 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Persecution of Trump Americans
Read more »By: pcr3|28 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Terrorism Plots Are FBI Orchestrations
Read more »By: pcr3|28 July, 2021|Categories: Articles & Columns
In Washington D.C. the Black Police Chief Is Frustrated With the City’s Coddling of Violent Criminals Paul Craig Roberts The police chief says it is pointless for police to catch criminals that the courts turn loose. “The justice system that we have right now is not functioning the way that it should.” Neither is the justice system functioning in…
Read more »By: pcr3|27 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
According to Dr. Jeremy McAnulty reporting on NSW Channel 9, Australia, at the 6:36 mark in the video, of 141 Covid patients in hospital “all but one are vaccinated, one person has only received one dose of vaccine.” Unless Dr. McAnulty misspoke, the facts do not fit the propaganda. If Dr. McAnulty did not misspeak, there seems to be conclusive…
Read more »By: pcr3|27 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Here is a report of a person who died in a motorcycle accident and was reported as a Covid death
Read more »By: pcr3|27 July, 2021|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Fauci Protection Team Paul Craig Roberts Someone, almost certainly Dr. Fauci’s business partner, Big Pharma, has organized an active Internet support system to shield Dr. Fauci from accountability. Fauci is in difficulty for a variety of reasons, including his conflicts of interest with Big Pharma. He has a financial relationship with companies whose products he approves. But his…
Read more »By: pcr3|26 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Do You Know that the CDC is withdrawing its request for emergency use of the unreliable PCR Covid test and recommends use of a test that can differentiate between flu and Covid? Of course you don’t know. The presstitute scum didn’t tell you.
Read more »By: pcr3|26 July, 2021|Categories: Interview archive . Interviews
PCR Interviewed about Democrats’ Efforts to Block Election Reforms that Prevent Fraud
Read more »By: pcr3|26 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Fascism Now Rules The Western World Freedom of expression that conflicts with the official narrative is prohibited and is being criminalized
Read more »By: pcr3|26 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Fauci Admits Covid Vaccines Do Not Protect Yet Universal Vaccination Is Being Mandated This Is Admission That Covid Vaccines Do Not Protect Tyranny Based On An Orchestrated “Pandemic” If herd immunity, natural immunity, and cures exist, there is no justification for mandated universal vaccination. How can a vaccine known to be toxic and to cause deaths and injuries…
Read more »By: pcr3|26 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Big Pharma and Its Shills Have Substituted Lies and Coercion for Evidence and Analysis Insanity Now Rules the Covid Hype, Rational Discourse Is Impossible CNN continued its wall to wall broadcasts calling for unvaccinated people to be punished, with analysts again calling for those who haven’t gotten the COVID shots to be segregated from society and forced to pay…
Read more »By: pcr3|26 July, 2021|Categories: Articles & Columns
How the Covid Scam Is Perpetrated Paul Craig Roberts I have provided numerous documented detailed accounts demonstrating the lack of evidence supporting the official Covid narrative. The next time you hear Big Pharma’s propagandists say “believe the science,” ask them what science. When believers in the official narrative and Covid vaccine are confronted with facts, they retreat to a second…
Read more »By: pcr3|25 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Doctors Have Had Enough of Big Pharma, Fauci, and presstitute lies; Doctors have finally organized to raise awareness that Ivermectin is a safe effective treatment for Covid-19 The only reason anyone died from Covid is that the corrupt US medical establishment blocked the treatment of Covid patients with HCQ and Ivermectin. Doctors who defied the establishment saved their patients.…
Read more »By: pcr3|25 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
French hospital goes on INDEFINITE strike to protest Covid-19 vaccination mandate The strike against forced vaccination was announced on Thursday by the CGT-GHPP trade union, and affects some 200 doctors and 1,500 nurses in the southeastern French city.
Read more »By: pcr3|25 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
There is no such thing as parents any more. Public school systems have eliminated them.
Read more »By: pcr3|25 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Corrupt Democrat DOJ Protects Corrupt Democrat Governors
Read more »By: pcr3|24 July, 2021|Categories: Articles & Columns
We Live In A Fraud Of Unprecedented Dimensions Paul Craig Roberts The illegitimate Occupant of the Oval Office Continues to Spread Disinformation Designed to Cause People to Damage their Health and perhaps Terminate their Lives by having the Covid shots. The claim that doctors and nurses are all vaccinated is a lie. A survey conducted by the Association of American…
Read more »By: pcr3|24 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Who Is The Dumbest Of All? CNN Ann Coulter Shreds Elle Reeve and CNN Add up all the IQs at CNN and multiply by 100 and you get 69
Read more »By: pcr3|24 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
A UK council wants to abolish cake because it contains racist sugar, you see, slaves were once used to cultivate sugar, therefore . . . The Western intellectual class has degenerated into pure idiocy.
Read more »By: pcr3|24 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
How are the other nations of the world going to feel about us when they discover that vaccines developed by American companies under US Government grants have gifted scores of millions of their citizens with thrombotic organ failure?
Read more »By: pcr3|24 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Dr. Robert Malone, innovator of the mRNA technology used in the vaccines explains the control exercised over the Covid narrative that prevents truth from emerging. Among many elements are extraordinary conflicts of interest. At about 12-13 minutes we learn that the chairman of the board of Reuters sits on the board of Pfizer.
Read more »By: pcr3|23 July, 2021|Categories: Articles & Columns
Is the Survivability of Covid-Vaccinated Societies at Risk? Dear Readers, I find it a curious fact that despite the alleged millions of US Covid cases and the huge number of alleged Covid deaths, I don’t know, or know of, a single person who has had Covid. On the other hand, despite the alleged “rare” instances of death and injury from…
Read more »By: pcr3|23 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Do Whites Have Civil Rights? Not at the present time, but the Supreme Court could restore the 14th Amendment.
Read more »By: pcr3|23 July, 2021|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Prevalence of Evil Paul Craig Roberts The evidence is now overwhelming that we have been systematically and intentionally lied to by “public health agencies” that in reality are captured regulatory bodies serving the interests of Big Pharma, by an incompetent and indoctrinated medical profession, by politicians, and by scum presstitutes. The alleged Covid pandemic is the product…
Read more »By: pcr3|23 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Apartheid contained enmity between black tribes by keeping them separated Diverse societies fail. South Africa was waiting to riot and loot; all it needed was a spark. That spark: inter-tribal hatred within the black population. People think of South African diversity as black/white, but the main diversity is between black tribes. Apartheid was as much about keeping the black…
Read more »By: pcr3|23 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
French President Macron Resurrects Third Reich and Brings It to France
Read more »By: pcr3|23 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Western Intellectuals Are Too Silly for Words
Read more »By: pcr3|22 July, 2021|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Evidence Is In: The Covid “Pandemic” Is Not Real But the Vaccine Pandemic Is Every Word of the Official Covid Narrative Is a Lie. There is a vast amount of hard empirical evidence disproving the orchestrated narrative, but the presstitute scum censors it instead of reporting it. Covid deaths are associated with co-morbidities, impaired immune systems, and deficiency…
Read more »By: pcr3|22 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Covid “Pandemic” Is Not Real But the Vaccine Pandemic Is As this website has reported on many occasions, the PCR test for Covid is run at such high cycles that it produces a high rate—up to 97%— of false positives. These false positives are the basis for the large number of Covid cases that comprise the orchestrated “pandemic.” Here…
Read more »By: pcr3|22 July, 2021|Categories: Articles & Columns
Today as in Wyatt Earp’s Day, It Is the Proclivity of Democrats to Favor the Criminals Paul Craig Roberts A friend who haunts used book sales passed on to me Wyatt Earp by Casey Tefertiller published by John Wiley & Sons in 1997. It was a New York Times “Notable Book” and History Book Club Selection. It is hard to…
Read more »By: pcr3|22 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
All of the rightwing groups are really FBI groups. It is FBI orchestration to create a “threat.”
Read more »By: pcr3|22 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
News that you won’t hear from the presstitutes The US navy is facing a crisis in leadership and focuses too much on diversity training and not enough on winning a future war, according to a Senate report. US Navy told to focus on fighting, not ‘woke’ training Senior officers must prioritise sinking enemy fleets over diversity, says Senate report…
Read more »By: pcr3|22 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Here is something far more frightening than Covid The “Patriotic” Pentagon Has Targeted all White Conservative American Citizens as White Supremacists and Domestic Terrorists The anti-American Biden Regime is arraying the military against white Americans. The company, Moonshot, with which the Pentagon is working, has defined a white supremacist as anyone who believes that Black Lives Matter has nefarious motives. …
Read more »By: pcr3|22 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Cover-up of the Spike in Deaths after Vaccination Begins[EMAIL_SECURE_LINK]
Read more »By: pcr3|21 July, 2021|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Covid Deception Exposed Paul Craig Roberts The presstitutes continue to program us with unreliable information about the Covid threat. For example, consider these two reports from the Miami Herald: DeSantis is so over Florida’s COVID pandemic. He shouldn’t be. Here’s why | Editorial (The above editorial has either been taken down or the Miami Herald URL system has…
Read more »By: pcr3|21 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Purpose of the Democrats’ John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act Is to Eliminate Republicans from Politics and Reduce America to a One-Party State Some say US already is a one party state as both parties represent the same Establishment. But the concentration of power in one party gives you Stalin, Mao, and National Socialism.
Read more »By: pcr3|21 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Facts that the Presstitutes Hide from you Lisbon Court Rules Only 0.9% of ‘Verified Cases’ Died of COVID, Numbering 152, Not 17,000 Claimed Majority of US Physicians Decline COVID Shots, According to Survey A federal district court has ordered NIH to release the Moderna safety data from Moderna’s Covid vaccine trials that Tony Fauci has been hiding.…
Read more »By: pcr3|21 July, 2021|Categories: Interview archive . Interviews
PCR Interviewed by Geofor Geopolitical Forecast The Biden regime is undermining itself English version is here: Russian language version is here: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, American economist, Chairman of the Institute for Political Economy, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy in the Reagan Administration and a former editor and columnist for the Wall…
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