The “Patriotic” Pentagon Has Targeted all White Conservative American Citizens as White Supremacists and Domestic Terrorists

Here is something far more frightening than Covid

The “Patriotic” Pentagon Has Targeted all White Conservative American Citizens as White Supremacists and Domestic Terrorists

The anti-American Biden Regime is arraying the military against white Americans.

The company, Moonshot, with which the Pentagon is working, has defined a white supremacist as anyone who believes that Black Lives Matter has nefarious motives.  According to the Pentagon’s partner in the new illegal spying on Americans, suspicions of BLM comprises “a disinformation narrative perpetuated by White supremacist groups to weaponize anti-BLM sentiment.”

Those patriotic Americans who believe the military is going to save us from tyranny are wrong. The Democrats are organizing the military to bring white Americans and Asian Americans tyranny. 

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