By: Interviews|30 November, 2010|Categories: Interview archive . Russia Today|Tags: entrapment . Paul Craig Roberts . police state . Reagan Administration . terrorist bombing . us government
FBI creating police state Entrapment has become a favorite tool for the FBI; just recently the FBI successfully thwarted a terrorist bombing in Portland, OR, after following the suspect for over a year. However, as these entrapments continue to take place it seems that the US government is simply making up these threats. Former Reagan Administration aide Paul Craig Roberts…
Read more »By: Interviews|13 November, 2010|Categories: Interview archive . Russia Today|Tags: the collapse of us military
Military spending, collapse of US empire The military industrial complex continues to rev its engine even as the US economy continues to struggle. Pro-defense Republicans are already shouting to use their party's newfound legislative power to boost the Pentagon budget. Paul Craig Roberts points out that the government only cares about the military industrial complex and lacks compassion for its…
Read more »By: Interviews|09 November, 2010|Categories: Interview archive . SOTT Report
Banana Republic _103 The article by Paul Craig Roberts is entitled ” The Impotence of Elections” It can be found on various internet sites, including this one: http://www.globalr…
Read more »By: Interviews|09 November, 2010|Categories: Interview archive . SOTT Report
Banana Republic_101 The article by Paul Craig Roberts is entitled ” The Impotence of Elections” It can be found on various internet sites, including this one: http://www.globalr…
Read more »By: Interviews|02 November, 2010|Categories: Interview archive . Russia Today|Tags: paul craig roberts and yuan
America’s yuan big problem America's yuan big problem Former Reagan Administration official Paul Craig Roberts writes, “now that a few Democrats and the remnants of the AFL-CIO are waking up to the destructive impact of jobs off shoring on the US economy and millions of American lives”. China's economic dominance has the US looking to retaliate to gain back some…
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