Trump: “A Puppet of the Deep State”

Trump: “A Puppet of the Deep State” Assad is Correct. The CIA has reduced Trump to a nobody, a nothing, a total irrelevancy.

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The US Is Now The Ultimate Police State

The US Is Now The Ultimate Police State The US is without any doubt now the worst police state, not only in reality exceeding Gestapo Nazi Germany, but exceeding the human imagination of George Orwell and other authors of dystopias. And this utterly corrupt criminal police state gets away with pretending to be the “defender of democracy and freedom.” The…

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Washington Plans to Nuke Russia and China

Washington Plans to Nuke Russia and China Paul Craig Roberts Not everyone likes to hear about the threat of nuclear war. Some find refuge in denial and say that nuclear war is impossible because it makes no sense. Unfortunately, humankind has a long record of doing things that make no sense. In previous posts in recent years I have pointed…

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Marine Le Pen Update

Marine Le Pen Update Paul Craig Roberts That Marine Le Pen has gained sufficient electoral support to have pushed aside the two traditional French political parties and is one of two candidates for President of France on May 7 has Washington, the EU, and the French elite determined that she be defeated at all costs. Washington has called out into…

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Only Marine Le Pen Represents France

Only Marine Le Pen Represents France Paul Craig Roberts Marine Le Pen is the only candidate for the French presidency who represents France. All the rest represent Washington and the EU. Why are the French people so slow to see the obvious facts? France died with Charles de Gaulle. He was the last French president. Washington, of course, hated De…

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Is This “Freedom and Democracy” or a Gestapo Police State?

Is This “Freedom and Democracy” or a Gestapo Police State?

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Trump Now a Captive of the Deep State

Trump Now A Captive Of The Deep State Paul Craig Roberts When the gullible and insouciant American public and the presstitutes who participate in the deceptions permitted the Deep State to get away with the fairy tale that a few Saudi Arabians under the direction of Osama bin Laden, but without the support of any government or intelligence agency, were…

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The Looting Machine Called Capitalism

The Looting Machine Called Capitalism Paul Craig Roberts I have come to the conclusion that capitalism is successful primarily because it can impose the majority of the costs associated with its economic activities on outside parties and on the environment. In other words, capitalists make profits because their costs are externalized and born by others. In the US, society and…

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9/11 Destroyed America

9/11 Destroyed America Paul Craig Roberts The events on September 11, 2001, changed the world. It was the excuse for the US government to launch military attacks on seven Middle Eastern countries, causing civilian casualties in the millions and sending waves of Muslim refugees into the Western world. The US government wasted trillions of dollars destroying countries and murdering women…

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Paul Craig Roberts interviewed by Julian Charles, The Mind Renewed, UK

Paul Craig Roberts interviewed by Julian Charles, The Mind Renewed, UK The Failure of Trump’s Presidency

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Oklahoma City Bombing — Feedback from a Reader

Oklahoma City Bombing — Feedback from a Reader I remember much of this myself. Truth-telling by the local media in Oklahoma City lasted for about 4 hours until Washington arrived, put a stop to truth-telling, and gave us the officially approved story. I also remember that for a couple of hours the news anchors replaying the videos of the World…

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If This Is Freedom and Democracy, What Is Tyranny?

If This Is Freedom and Democracy, What Is Tyranny? Paul Craig Roberts John Whitehead “Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is the numbers of people all over the world who have obeyed the dictates of the leaders of their government and have gone to war, and millions have been killed because of this obedience… Our problem is that people…

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President Trump’s Disappearance

President Trump’s Disappearance Paul Craig Roberts In my long experience in Washington, vice presidents did not make major foreign policy announcements or threaten other countries with war. Not even Dick Cheney stole this role from the weak president George W. Bush. But yesterday the world witnessed VP Pence threaten North Korea with war. “The sword stands ready,” said Pence as…

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The Oklahoma City Bombing After 22 Years

The Oklahoma City Bombing After 22 Years Paul Craig Roberts Today, April 19, 2017, is the 22nd anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing. The bombing of the federal Murrah office building was blamed by federal authorities on a bomb made from fertilizer inside a truck parked in front of the building by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. There are many…

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The Destruction of Inlet Beach

The Destruction of Inlet Beach Paul Craig Roberts Inlet Beach is an old Florida community in Walton County on the Gulf Coast of the panhandle of Florida. The community circa 1950 originated in federal land dispensed via a lottery to WW II veterans. Winners of the lottery received 1.25 acres in exchange for a $50 filing fee and agreement to…

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Ron Unz on the Extraordinary Failures of the American Media

Ron Unz on the Extraordinary Failures of the American Media

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Dr. Dao Was Brutalized By Deregulation

Dr. Dao Was Brutalized By Deregulation Paul Craig Roberts A couple of readers asked why I did not include in my column, “A Government of Morons,” the violence used against the medical doctor Dao removed from his confirmed seat on a United Flight as a result of airline overbooking. The 69-year old was beat senseless by goons. A few days…

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Putin on Washington’s Creation of Fictional and Mythical Threats

Putin on Washington’s Creation of Fictional and Mythical Threats

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John W. Whitehead Explains the Reason the Military/Security Complex had to Prevail over President Trump

John W. Whitehead Explains the Reason the Military/Security Complex had to Prevail over President Trump

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The Country Created by Our Founding Fathers No Longer Exists

The Country Created by Our Founding Fathers No Longer Exists John Whitehead is an American constitutional attorney whose institute, the Rutherford Institute, defends Americans’ civil liberties. In the 14 minute video below, he explains that “our” government has already set up the US military in violation of all US law and the US Constitution to suppress all dissent against the…

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The Boston Marathon Bombing After Four Years

The Boston Marathon Bombing After Four Years Paul Craig Roberts Today, April 15, 2017, is the fourth anniversary of the Boston Marathon Bombing, a hoax event performed by crisis actors and tell-tale bright red Hollywood blood. Sheila Casey has done a good job of exposing the hoax just by using the time line and photos of the event. A…

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US has “longstanding tradition” of aggression under invented pretexts

US has “longstanding tradition” of aggression under invented pretexts – Russian Ministry of Defense US a Greater Threat to Peace than North Korea These concerns were echoed by a senior Russian lawmaker who, as AP reports, says the US is a greater threat to global peace than North Korea. Konstantin Kosachev, the head of the Foreign Affairs Committee…

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A Government of Morons

A Government of Morons Paul Craig Roberts It has become embarrassing to be an American. Our country has had four war criminal presidents in succession. Clinton twice launched military attacks on Serbia, ordering NATO to bomb the former Yugoslavia twice, both in 1995 and in 1999, so that gives Bill two war crimes. George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan and Iraq…

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The True Cost of Israel

The True Cost of Israel Guest Column by Phlip Giraldi

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The Postol Report on the recent Gas Attack in Syria

Guest Column by Eric Zuesse The Money-Quote from the Postol Report on the recent Gas Attack in Syria Eric Zuesse After detailed decimation of President Trump’s ‘intelligence’ ‘justifying’ his invasion of Syria, the MIT specialist on such intelligence-analysis, Dr. Theodore Postol, concludes: “I have worked with the intelligence community in the past, and I have grave concerns about the politicization…

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I recommend The Saker’s analysis to you.

I recommend The Saker’s analysis to you. The leadership of the world now rests in Putin’s hands. The Chinese need to step up and contribute to this leadership.

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White House claims on Syria chemical attack ‘obviously false’ – MIT professor

White House claims on Syria chemical attack ‘obviously false’ – MIT professor

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Is That Armageddon Over The Horizon?

Is That Armageddon Over The Horizon? Paul Craig Roberts The insouciance of the Western world is extraordinary. It is not only Americans who permit themselves to be brainwashed by CNN, MSNBC, NPR, the New York Times and Washington Post, but also their counterparts in Europe, Canada, Australia, and Japan, who rely on the war propaganda machine that poses as a…

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The United States Stands Before The World As A Criminal Nation

The United States Stands Before The World As A Criminal Nation Washington has murdered entire countries in whole or part: Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan, Yemen, parts of Syria and Pakistan. Millions of Muslim peoples have been killed, maimed, orphaned, and dislocated. The dispossessed and dislocated are filling up the American Empire that destroyed their lives. The American genocide of nations…

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Trump Has Chosen Lies Over Facts

Trump Has Chosen Lies Over Facts

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Washington’s Deception Is Aimed at Russia

Washington’s Deception Is Aimed at Russia Paul Craig Roberts According to a report on RT, Secretary of State Tillerson has on CBS backed away from his previously reported aggressive rhetoric reported by the presstitutes against Russia and Syria. According to the RT report, Tillerson said that Washington’s plan is to defeat ISIS, not to bring regime change to Syria.…

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Trump In Freefall Collapse

Trump In Freefall Collapse Glenn Greenwald explains the hypocrisy of the US political class and the removal of constitutional restraint on the power of the presidency. What he misses, perhaps, is the power of the Deep State. It required less than 100 days for Deep State propaganda to completely reverse President Trump’s announced policy of normalizing relations with Russia and…

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Trump Is History

Trump Is History: The Deep State Has Taken Control

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More Fake News From Washington

More Fake News From Washington this time it is about employment Paul Craig Roberts The US government continues to lie about everything, not just Russia, Syria, Iran, and China. The US government is incapable of telling the truth about something as straightforward as employment. According to the government, March produced only 98,000 new payroll jobs, an insufficient amount to reduce…

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Russia Declares US To Be In Violation Of All International Conventions and Laws

The Russian government declared that the US military presence in Syria is illegal and that the strikes, verified by the US government, constitute an act of aggression and breach all international conventions and laws.

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Maria Zakharova shows up the Western Media for the liars that they are

Maria Zakharova shows up the Western Media for the liars that they are

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When Will Washington’s Time Come To Be Hit With Air Strikes

When Will Washington’s Time Come To Be Hit With Air Strikes For All The People Washington Kills? The most murderous regime on Earth is Washington, D.C. If what goes around comes around, Washington’s time to be invaded and hit with air strikes is already scheduled. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving people, including the British, French, German, and Italian…

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The Impending Clash Between the U.S. and Russia

The Impending Clash Between the U.S. and Russia by MIKE WHITNEY

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Washington Has Crossed Russia’s Red Line

Washington Has Crossed Russia’s Red Line Paul Craig Roberts Washington’s military attack on Syria is unambigiously a war crime. It occurred without any UN authorization or even the fake cover of a “coalition of the willing.” Washington’s attack on Syria occurred in advance of an investigation of the alleged event that Washington is trying to use as its justification. Indeed,…

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Trump Has Surrendered. Will Putin Be The Next To Surrender?

Trump Has Surrendered Will Putin Be The Next To Surrender? Paul Craig Roberts Update: Washington has reopened the conflict with a Tomahawk missile attack on Syrian Air Force Bases. The Russian/Syrian air defense systems did not prevent the attack. The Washington Establishment has reasserted control. First Flynn and now Bannon. All that are left in the Trump administration are the…

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Germany RIP

Germany RIP Paul Craig Roberts Who would have imagined that the once great German nation would be ruled by Washington? It is extraordinary, but that is what has happened. Merkel, Washington’s whore, has agreed to fill up Germany with the refugees from Washington’s 16 years of illegal wars against Muslims in North Africa and the Middle East. These are wars…

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Six Interviews


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More Fake News?

More Fake News? This afternoon NPR showcased a propagandist from BuzzFeed who denounced the Syrian government for using chemical weapons against innocents in the Idlib province. Somehow the BuzzFeed person knew for cetain that the reported event had occurred. I wondered how he could know that, and I wondered what purpose such an attack would serve. In other words, it…

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The World’s Best Economist

The World’s Best Economist Paul Craig Roberts If you want to learn real economics instead of neoliberal junk economics, read Michael Hudson’s books. What you will learn is that neoliberal economics is an apology for the rentier class and the large banks that have succeeded in financializing the economy, shifting consumer spending power from the purchase of goods and services…

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The Real Russiagate: Obama’s Stasi State — Michael Hudson and Paul Craig Roberts

The Real Russiagate: Obama’s Stasi State Michael Hudson and Paul Craig Roberts Mike Whitney has written an excellent expose of the “Russiagate” cover story for Obama’s political use of national security to help his party oppose Republicans. Covert surveillance of politicians on Obama’s Nixon-like “Enemies List” has been going on for many years, but is only now being unmasked…

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Is the Russian Government Insouciant?

Is the Russian Government Insouciant? Paul Craig Roberts On March 1 the US National Reconnaissance Office launched a spy satellite carried by an Atlas V rocket that was powered by a Russian RD-180 engine. The Unites States, an alleged “superpower,” is not capable of putting its own spy satellites into space. The “superpower” is dependent on Russia, which provides the “superpower” with the…

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Jewish Defense League Operatives Arrested for Brutal Assault on American Professor in “freedom and democracy” Washington, D.C.

Jewish Defense League Operatives Arrested for Brutal Assault on American Professor in “freedom and democracy” Washington, D.C. According to the US Government, the Jewish Defense League is defined as a terrorist organization. At the recent AIPAC meeting in Washington, where Congress and the executive branch run to be first to kiss Israel’s ass, the Jewish terrorists assulted with the extreme…

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