By: Interviews|28 February, 2012|Categories: Interview archive . Russia Today|Tags: kristine frazao
US military complex gets rich off of Afghanistan Description: The US is famous for going to other countries with goals ranging from retaliation to installing democracy to stopping a civil war. And quite often the US Government and the military alike are surprised at what they find: that people in those countries don’t want them there and, in many cases,…
Read more »By: algol|27 February, 2012|Categories: Western Stories|Tags: apache staked down anthill
The Apaches had found his trail. Despite his Kiowa training, he had slipped up. His mistake could cost him his life. His canteen was full from the spring where he had left his horse. He had hoped the Apaches would accept the gift and let him be. But a white man on foot in the desert was too easy prey.…
Read more »By: algol|20 February, 2012|Categories: Guest Contributions . Other|Tags: the war on democracy
John Pilger describes the reality hidden behind the cloak of anglo-american “democracy.” January 20, 2012 — Lisette Talate died the other day. I remember a wiry, fiercely intelligent woman who masked her grief with a determination that was a presence. She was the embodiment of people’s resistance to the war on democracy. I first glimpsed her in a 1950s…
Read more »By: algol|20 February, 2012|Categories: Articles & Columns|Tags: media imperialism
In 2010 the FBI invaded the homes of peace activists in several states and seized personal possessions in what the FBI–the lead orchestrator of fake “terrorist plots”–called an investigation of “activities concerning the material support of terrorism.” Subpoenas were issued to compel antiwar protestors to testify before grand juries as prosecutors set about building their case that opposing Washington’s wars…
Read more »Pat Buchanan’s strong Republican voice in the mainstream media against the wars against Muslims and the US Constitution has been shut down. 02/16/12 My days as a political analyst at MSNBC have come to an end. After 10 enjoyable years, I am departing, after an incessant clamor from the left that to permit me continued access to the microphones of…
Read more »By: algol|16 February, 2012|Categories: Guest Contributions . Other|Tags: greece economic experiment
This is my editing of an interview Professor Michael Hudson gave to The Real News Network. I have edited Professor Hudson’s interview for clarity and have not changed the meaning of any of his statements. It is posted on this site with Professor Hudson’s permission. PCR The Greek crisis is being used to find out how far finance can drive…
Read more »By: Interviews|15 February, 2012|Categories: Interview archive . Russia Today|Tags: usa russia china arm rivalry
Paul Craig Roberts – ‘US, China rivalry leads to new arms race’ (15-Feb-12)(GLOBAL FOCUS series) Paul Craig Roberts – 'US, China rivalry leads to new arms race' (15-Feb-12)(GLOBAL FOCUS series) For 'CO-ORDINATED' 'INTELLIGENCE' 'Yousearxch' – ' the 'WORLD'S' largest 'EDUCATIONAL' – 'INFORMATION' & 'NEWS' 'VIDEO' 'DATABASE' and 'SEARCH' tool. This is a 'YOUSEARXCH' 'SUPPORT' and 'FEEDER' channel dedicated to providing…
Read more »By: Interviews|15 February, 2012|Categories: Interview archive . Russia Today|Tags: paul craig roberts economics
Paul Craig Roberts – ‘US, China rivalry leads to new arms race’ (15-Feb-12)(GLOBAL FOCUS series) Paul Craig Roberts – 'US, China rivalry leads to new arms race' (15-Feb-12)(GLOBAL FOCUS series) yousearxch yousearxch-all-series YOUSEARXCHnews yousearxch-SCHOLARiran yousearxch-MyLibrary yousearxch-MyLibrary-china yousearxchARCHIVE-politics YOUSEARXCHinfonet yousearxch-TheYouArchive2012 yousearxchNETWORK yousearxchDIRECTORY-politics yousearxchINDEX-china yousearxchCLASSIFIED-politics…
Read more »By: Interviews|15 February, 2012|Categories: Interview archive . Russia Today|Tags: Dragon and eagle rivalry
Eagle vs Dragon: ‘US, China rivalry leads to new arms race’ Eagle vs Dragon: 'US, China rivalry leads to new arms race' Chinese Vice President Shi Jin-ping has met with US President Barack Obama in Washington in an effort to smooth out their differences. Tension between the two nations have escalated recently with the US criticizing China's currency policies and…
Read more »By: algol|15 February, 2012|Categories: Articles & Columns|Tags: washingtons insouciance has no rival
Is Obama a hypocrite or merely insouciant? Or is he an idiot? According to news reports Obama’s White House meeting on Valentine’s day with China’s Vice President, Xi Jinping, provided an opportunity for Obama to raise “a sensitive human rights issue with the Chinese leader-in-waiting.” The brave and forthright Obama didn’t let etiquette or decorum get in his way. Afterwards,…
Read more »By: Interviews|14 February, 2012|Categories: Interview archive . Russia Today
Paul Craig Roberts: China isn’t to blame for a weak US economy Paul Craig Roberts: China isn't to blame for a weak US economy On Tuesday President Obama meet with the future leader of China. Xi Jinping was welcomed at the White House where the two discussed several issues. Obama said that a strong relationship between the US and China…
Read more »By: algol|14 February, 2012|Categories: Articles & Columns|Tags: facade of democracy
The United States government and its NATO puppets have been killing Muslim men, women and children for a decade in the name of bringing them democracy. But is the West itself a democracy? Skeptics point out that President George W. Bush was put in office by the Supreme Court and that a number of other elections have been decided by…
Read more »By: Interviews|13 February, 2012|Categories: Interview archive . The Corbett Report|Tags: war with syria and paul craig roberts
Libya, Syria and the Road to World War III — Paul Craig Roberts on The Corbett Report Dr. Paul Craig Roberts joins The Corbett Report to discuss recent military intervention in Lybia, possible military intervention in Syria, and the long-term Western goal of encirclement of China in a future engagement that will lead to a (nuclear) third world war.
Read more »By: Interviews|10 February, 2012|Categories: Interview archive . Russia Today|Tags: keiser owns obama
Israel owns the USA: Dr Paul Craig Roberts and Max Keiser.flv Uploaded by AngryWhiteGoy on Jan 21, 2012 Israel owns nukes. Look up \ United States proxy wars / Do your own research.
Read more »By: algol|08 February, 2012|Categories: Guest Contributions . Other|Tags: how to launch mini nukes This article by Professor Michel Chossudovsky describes the casual and complete way in which neoconservatives have incorporated the use of tactical nuclear weapons into US war doctrine. These weapons are widely distributed, and theater commanders now have the discretion to attack with nuclear weapons. Anyone so naive as to believe that there is a scrap of morality anywhere in…
Read more »By: algol|08 February, 2012|Categories: Articles & Columns|Tags: paul craig roberts iran
Washington has made tremendous preparations for a military assault on Iran. There is speculation that Washington has called off its two longest running wars–Iraq and Afghanistan–in order to deploy forces against Iran. Two of Washington’s fleets have been assigned to the Persian Gulf along with NATO warships. Missiles have been spread amongst Washington’s Oil Emirate and Middle Eastern puppet states.…
Read more »By: algol|06 February, 2012|Categories: Articles & Columns|Tags: statistical articles 2012
Last Friday the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in the first month of this new year 243,000 jobs were created and the unemployment rate (U.3) fell to 8.3 percent. This good news is a mirage. It is due to faulty seasonal adjustments and to the BLS birth/death model. In a prolonged downturn, seasonal adjustments and the birth/death model…
Read more »By: Interviews|02 February, 2012|Categories: Interview archive . MaxKeiserTV|Tags: tv isral live
Reporter suffers aneurysm live on TV!! Max Keiser interviews Dr. Paul Craig Roberts watch for it. @ 1:15 You have unknowingly and hopefully unwillingly given Israel thousands of dollars. They get universal heath care from cradle to grave. WW2 is over! What do we get in return? False Flag Terror and a police state. Congratulations! Giving foreign aid to…
Read more »By: algol|02 February, 2012|Categories: Guest Contributions . Other|Tags: paul craig roberts asange
Original source: By John Pilger This week’s Supreme Court hearing in the Julian Assange case has profound meaning for the preservation of basic freedoms in western democracies. This is Assange’s final appeal against his extradition to Sweden to face allegations of sexual misconduct that were originally dismissed by the chief prosecutor in Stockholm and constitute no crime in Britain.…
Read more »By: algol|02 February, 2012|Categories: Articles & Columns
If you have any money and you want to understand the lies that “your” government tells you with statistics, subscribe to John Williams John Williams is the best and utterly truthful statistician that we the people have. The charts below come from John Williams Hyperinflation Report, January 25, 2012. The commentary is supplied by me. Here is the chart…
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