By: pcr3|23 July, 2021|Categories: Articles & Columns
Is the Survivability of Covid-Vaccinated Societies at Risk? Dear Readers, I find it a curious fact that despite the alleged millions of US Covid cases and the huge number of alleged Covid deaths, I don’t know, or know of, a single person who has had Covid. On the other hand, despite the alleged “rare” instances of death and injury from…
Read more »By: pcr3|23 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Do Whites Have Civil Rights? Not at the present time, but the Supreme Court could restore the 14th Amendment.
Read more »By: pcr3|23 July, 2021|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Prevalence of Evil Paul Craig Roberts The evidence is now overwhelming that we have been systematically and intentionally lied to by “public health agencies” that in reality are captured regulatory bodies serving the interests of Big Pharma, by an incompetent and indoctrinated medical profession, by politicians, and by scum presstitutes. The alleged Covid pandemic is the product…
Read more »By: pcr3|23 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Apartheid contained enmity between black tribes by keeping them separated Diverse societies fail. South Africa was waiting to riot and loot; all it needed was a spark. That spark: inter-tribal hatred within the black population. People think of South African diversity as black/white, but the main diversity is between black tribes. Apartheid was as much about keeping the black…
Read more »By: pcr3|23 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
French President Macron Resurrects Third Reich and Brings It to France
Read more »By: pcr3|23 July, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Western Intellectuals Are Too Silly for Words
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