Dmitry Trenin Belatedly Realizes that Putin Has Not Been Sufficiently Proactive to Prevent Nuclear War
Paul Craig Roberts
“It’s time for Russia to give the West a nuclear reminder.
Washington is waging a proxy war in a bid to inflict a ‘strategic defeat’ on Moscow and a tougher response to this is needed.”
It is extraordinary to me that Putin wasted his opportunity to show the idiot West the consequence of ignoring Russian concerns and giving an insulting cold shoulder to the Kremlin’s push for a mutual security agreement that would curtail the American neoconservative agenda for war.
Putin’s intervention in Ukraine should have been decisive. The war should have been over in a week, with Zelensky and his entire government hung as war criminals, with Kharkiv, Odessa, and all territory east of the Dnieper River being reincorporated into Russia.
Western Ukraine should have been occupied and a wall built isolating the territory from Europe and preventing any entry unsupervised by Russia.
The swiftness and completeness of the conquest would have sent the fear of God into NATO and Washington. Mess with Russia and this is the consequence. If Putin had acted appropriately, the world would be on its way to a peaceful existence.
If Putin had acted as he should have, there would be no reason for Dmitry Trenin to try to find a way to restore Western respect for Russia’s military capability.
Putin’s failure to fight a war as wars must be fought is the reason we are on the road to Armageddon.
Only Putin can get us off this road. He can surrender to the West, or he can show the West the consequences of its stupidity.
Sooner or later Putin must understand that words don’t count, only actions.