The Most Striking Fact in Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s New Book
By Thomas DiLorenzo
I just got my copy of RFK Jr.’s The Real Anthony Fauci. Flipping through the first couple of chapters, one thing really stood out — that Fauci dispenses some $7 billion in research grants to “public health” researchers all over the world. He has held that position for 30 years. This means that for thirty years there has been one-man monopoly control over virtually all public health-related “peer review.” This proves in spades what a clownish, lying, incompetent, corrupt stooge Fauci is when he responds to criticism with statements like “everyone I know agrees with me on this.” Yeah, everyone who works for him and is paid by him, or wishes to work for him and be paid by him (with taxpayers’ money). This means that “public health” peer review is a joke and a fraud. No other profession in the world would be taken seriously if one single government bureaucrat was effectively in charge of all the professional publications in the entire field.
And what Fauci doesn’t control through government funding, other government bureaucrats at NIH and elsewhere do. They are Fauci wannabes in this corrupt, stinking, fraudulent field of “public” health. No wonder Dr. Scott Atlas, a real doctor and medical researcher, was so shocked at the immense incompetence he was exposed to while serving on President Trump’s COVID task force and sitting through meetings with dopey Fauci and that goofy scarf woman. He told Tucker Carlson that the two of them seemed 100% detached from and unaware of the relevant science and did nothing but repeat leftist lockdown/masking/you-must-obey/jab-every-child/shut-down-all-the-schools-and-churches talking points without even discussing any scientific basis for any of it.
From the Introduction to The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
I was astonished to realize that the pervasive web of deep financial entanglements between Pharma and the government health agencies had put regulatory capture on steroids. The CDC, for example, owns 57 vaccine patents[1] and spends $4.9 of its $12.0 billion-dollar annual budget (as of 2019) buying and distributing vaccines.[2][3] NIH owns hundreds of vaccine patents and often profits from the sale of products it supposedly regulates. High level officials, including Dr. Fauci, receive yearly emoluments of up to $150,000 in royalty payments on products that they help develop and then usher through the approval process.[4] The FDA receives 45 percent of its budget from the pharmaceutical industry, through what are euphemistically called “user fees.”[5] When I learned that extraordinary fact, the disastrous health of the American people was no longer a mystery; I wondered what the environment would look like if the EPA received 45 percent of its budget from the coal industry!
In August 2021, Dr. Fauci’s acolyte—CNN’s television doctor, Peter Hotez—published an article in a scientific journal calling for legislation to “expand federal hate crime protections” to make criticism of Dr. Fauci a felony.[14] In declaring that he had no conflicts, Dr. Hotez, who says that vaccine skeptics should be snuffed out,[15] evidently forgot the millions of dollars in grants he has taken from Dr. Fauci’s NIAID since 1993,[16] and more than $15 million from Dr. Fauci’s partner, Bill Gates, for his Baylor University Tropical Medicine Institute.[17]
As we shall see, Dr. Fauci’s direct and indirect control—through NIH, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Wellcome Trust of some 57 percent of global biomedical research funding[19]—guarantees him this sort of obsequious homage from leading medical researchers, allows him to craft and perpetuate the reigning global medical narratives, and can fortify the canon that he, himself, is science incarnate.
High-visibility henchmen like Hotez—and Pharma’s financial control over the media through advertising dollars—have made Dr. Fauci’s pronouncements impervious to debate and endowed the NIAID Director with personal virtues and medical gravitas supported by neither science nor his public health record. By the latter metric, his 50-year regime has been calamitous for public health and for democracy. His administration of the COVID pandemic was, likewise, a disaster.
As the world watched, Tony Fauci dictated a series of policies that resulted in by far the most deaths, and one of the highest percentage COVID-19 body counts of any nation on the planet. Only relentless propaganda and wall-to-wall censorship could conceal his disastrous mismanagement during COVID-19’s first year. The US, with 4 percent of the world’s population, suffered 14.5 percent of total COVID deaths. By September 30, 2021, mortality rates in the US had climbed to 2,107/1,000,000, compared to 139/1,000,000 in Japan.
Anthony Fauci’s Report Card:
Death Rates from COVID per million population, as of September 30, 2021:[20]
United States 2,107 deaths/1,000,000
Sweden 1,444 deaths/1,000,000
Iran 1,449 deaths/1,000,000
Germany 1,126 deaths/1,000,000
Cuba 650 deaths/1,000,000
Jamaica 630 deaths/1,000,000
Denmark 455 deaths/1,000,000
India 327 deaths/1,000,000
Finland 194 deaths/1,000,000
Vietnam 197 deaths/1,000,000
Norway 161 deaths/1,000,000
Japan 139 deaths/1,000,000
Pakistan 128 deaths/1,000,000
Kenya 97 deaths/1,000,000
South Korea 47 deaths/1,000,000
Congo (Brazzaville) 35 deaths/1,000,000
Hong Kong 28 deaths/1,000,000[21]
China 3 deaths/1,000,000
Tanzania 0.86 deaths/1,000,000
After achieving these cataclysmicly awful results, “Teflon Tony’s” media savvy and his skills for deft maneuvering beguiled incoming President Joe Biden into appointing him as the new administration’s COVID Response Director.
Blinded by generously stoked fear of deadly disease against which Dr. Fauci seemed the only reliable bulwark, Americans failed to see the mounting evidence that Dr. Fauci’s strategies were consistently failing to achieve promised results, as he doggedly elevated Pharma profits and bureaucratic powers over waning public health.
As we shall see from this 50-year saga, Dr. Fauci’s remedies are often more lethal than the diseases they pretend to treat. His COVID prescriptions were no exception. With his narrow focus on the solution of mass vaccination, Dr. Fauci never mentioned any of the many other costs associated with his policy directives.
Fauci’s Genocide
How Many People Have Been Murdered With the Covid-19 Vaccines?