He Is Risen
Easter used to be an important Christian holiday. The holiday has fallen on hard times due to Jewish attacks on public displays of Christian religious symbols and to Spring Break which has replaced the Easter holiday. Today children are socialized into Easter as bunny and candy day.
In the marvelous movie, “Chariots of Fire,” the hero asks where the strength comes from to see the race to the finish. The question has the broadest meaning. Where does the strength come from to sustain a nation’s and a civilization’s existence? A nation depends on morality, integrity, and trust. Historically, these flow from shared religion. When religion weakens or a country becomes a tower of babel, the strength to see the race to the finish departs. From this perspective, nations and strength no longer exist in the Western world. The geographical entities called countries consist of a mixture of ethnicities and have no defended borders. This is called “multiculturalism,” which is the modern term for tower of babel.