Ruling Elite Servant Jen Psaki Helps Ottawa Set Up Truckers for Arrest as Domestic Terrorists
Paul Craig Roberts
Psaki has released the new narrative that will be used to prosecute the truckers for exercising their protest rights. Psaki denies the protest is any longer about just the vaccine mandate. She alleged, totally devoid of evidence as always, that “It is clear that these disruptions have broadened in scope beyond the vaccine requirement implementation.”
This lie is now the official narrative. The whore media will repeat it endlessly, and the truckers will face sedition charges.
This is the way “democratic” governments in the “free west” operate. Australia now has its concentration camps, Austria’s government has voted to force the dangerous “vaccine” on all citizens, and Canada and the US governments are committed to redefining the exercise of constitutionally protected civil liberty as “domestic extremism.”
Free peoples face the fight of a lifetime, and most don’t even know it.