The Last White Person Is Slain by Diversity

The Last White Person Is Slain by Diversity Paul Craig Roberts A mantra of our time is that white people have “white privilege.” Here is the latest shocking example of “white privilege:” Here is an example from Britain: How long has it been since you have seen a corporate advertisement, or any kind of advertisement, in which there…

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A Former American President Is Being Hounded Into Oblivion While the Democrats, Dept of Justice, and FBI Prepare a Putsch

A Former American President Is Being Hounded Into Oblivion While the Democrats, Dept of Justice, and FBI Prepare a Putsch Paul Craig Roberts When Trump left office I wrote that he would be “hounded into oblivion.” It is happening precisely as I said. Not content with framing Trump with Russiagate, impeachgate, January 6 insurrection, his business practices, and other investigations…

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Will the United States Exist After November?

Will the United States Exist After November? Paul Craig Roberts The Nazi serving as US Attorney General says he is going to get the warrant unsealed that he used as the justification for the aggressive invasion of President Trump’s home by a weaponized and politicized FBI, essentially frame up artists for the corrupt Democrat party. The question the Nazi attorney…

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Gestapo Democrats

Gestapo Democrats Paul Craig Roberts The Democrats in power in Washington have weaponized the FBI and Department of Justice (sic) in an effort to criminalize President Trump.  They tried this with Russiagate, with impeachment, with their fabricated January 6 Insurrection, and now they have sent an army of FBI agents into Trump’s home, relying on the presstitutes to tell a…

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UKRAINIAN DEFENSES COLLAPSE ALONG THE ENTIRE FRONTLINE IN DONBAS Remember, “Ukraine is winning.”  The presstitutes tell us so. 

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Republican Liz Cheney Spearheads Democrat Attempt to Indict President Trump for Insurrection

Republican Liz Cheney Spearheads Democrat Attempt to Indict President Trump for Insurrection Paul Craig Roberts Insouciant Wyoming Republicans sent Liz Cheney to Congress to help the Democrats destroy the Republican Party by building a case out of thin air that President Donald Trump organized a coup to keep himself in power.   The charge that Trump planned a coup has…

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America Is Intentionally Being Destroyed by Organized Divisiveness

America Is Intentionally Being Destroyed by Organized Divisiveness Paul Craig Roberts If this trailer is an indication — — we are about to be treated to a fantasy movie release in September in which black female warriors save Africa from being enslaved by the French. The film makers do not realize the irony of the setting, which is Dahomey,…

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The Costs of a Stolen Election Mount

The Costs of a Stolen Election Mount Paul Craig Roberts The Consequences are now upon us of a dumbshit American public and a cowardly Republican Party allowing corrupt Democrats and presstitutes to steal a Presidential Election When Trump left office, the annual inflation rate was 1.4%.   Now, it is 9.1%   That is 6.5 times higher and it is getting worse every…

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A Color Revolution for Uzbekistan?

A Color Revolution for Uzbekistan? Paul Craig Roberts Here I am again like a broken record repeating that the Kremlin’s toleration of provocations guarantees that the Kremlin will experience more provocations.  To again repeat myself, Washington broke up the Soviet Union in order to create independent countries on Russia’s borders that, with “color revolutions,” could be turned against Russia. So…

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What Happens to the Weapons the West Provides to Ukraine?

What Happens to the Weapons the West Provides to Ukraine? The Ukrainians sell them to the Russians —  — or the Russians destroy them upon arrival —  Being routed on the battlefield, Ukraine claims fake victories and the presstitutes report Ukraine’s fake news “victories.” 

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Something to Think About on the Fourth of July:  The Democrats and the FBI Have Nazified America

Something to Think About on the Fourth of July:  The Democrats and the FBI Have Nazified America Paul Craig Roberts Peter Navarro, 73 years old, was Assistant to the President for Trade and Manufacturing Policy during the Trump administration. I do not know him.   Last February the Democrats subpoenaed him to appear before the Democrats’ “Select Committee on the…

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Austrian Health Minister and Medical Profession Dispute Responsibility for Massive Covid “Vaccine” Deaths and Health Damage

Austrian Health Minister and Medical Profession Dispute Responsibility for Massive Covid “Vaccine” Deaths and Health Damage Paul Craig Roberts In Austria the massive harm done to human life and health done by the Covid “vaccines” has resulted in the Austrian Minister of Health shifting responsibility to doctors who betrayed their medical responsibility to inform patients of the risks of the…

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Russia Cannot Abandon Its Counterproductive Goody Two Shoes Behavior

Russia Cannot Abandon Its Counterproductive Goody Two Shoes Behavior MoD: Russian Military Withdraws Forces From Zmeiniy Island as Gesture of Good Will  The Western presstitutes, if they report at all, will say the Russians were driven off the island by Ukrainian forces or were fearful of the new weapons supplied to Ukraine and withdrew.  Certainly Russia will get no…

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Ukraine’s Future

Your future depends on the truth — support it Ukraine’s Future Paul Craig Roberts Ukraine as a country might not have a future. Ukraine is a new country only three decades old. Historically, Ukraine has been a part of Poland or of Russia. It might be on the verge of being divided between them. Most of the Donbass and much…

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An ABC News poll claims that 58% of Americans Want Trump Charged for “Insurrection”

An ABC News poll claims that 58% of Americans Want Trump Charged for “Insurrection” Few people watched the Democrats’ orchestrated fake news about “January 6,” but somehow a poll found that 58% want Trump punished. That the Democrats and presstitutes have been able to create an “insurrection” out of thin air and sell it to the American people certainly justifies…

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Will Washington’s Sanctions Destroy the German Automobile Industry?

The Website Needs Your Support Will Washington’s Sanctions Destroy the German Automobile Industry? Paul Craig Roberts The last independent government Germany had was Hitler’s. Every succeeding German government has been a Washington puppet. As Mike Whitney writes, “Berlin will always march in lockstep with Washington rather than fulfill its business agreements or act in the interests of its own people.”…

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Betrayed Americans

Support Your Website Betrayed Americans Paul Craig Roberts Yesterday the Fed raised short term interest rates by three quarters of one percent, and the stock market rose. The stock market did not rise because of the rate hike. The stock market rose because the Atlanta Federal Reserve bank dropped its forecast for second quarter (ends June 30) GDP growth to…

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Another orchestrated health crisis in the works?

Another orchestrated health crisis in the works? Paul Craig Roberts The corrupt public health officials in the Western world, who are shills for Big Pharma as they share in the profits of the drugs that they approve, are about to inflict on humanity a worst castrophe than the Covid vaccine.  They are considering using smallpox vaccine to protect against monkeypox. …

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Washington & Moscow Have Combined to Make the Ukrainian Situation into Armageddon

Washington & Moscow Have Combined to Make the Ukrainian Situation into Armageddon Paul Craig Roberts Yesterday morning I posted an explanation of why Russian liberalism was generating a wider war that could end in Armageddon.  I find no relief in The Saker acknowledging the same unfolding of events.  The Saker and Andrei Martyanov are two competent analysts of…

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Assange’s Extradition Is Another Building Block of The Controlled Explanation

Assange’s Extradition Is Another Building Block of The Controlled Explanation Paul Craig Roberts The Corrupt US & British governments, greatly aided and abetted by Western presstitutes, have destroyed the First Amendment protection of journalism.  Julian Assange’s extradition to the US to stand trial for espionage signals the termination of a free press as a method of holding government accountable.  Henceforth,…

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Was the Last Chance for Avoidance of Nuclear Armageddon Lost?

Was the Last Chance for Avoidance of Nuclear Armageddon Lost? Paul Craig Roberts Russia’s Ukrainian intervention in behalf of the former part of Russia  known as the Donbass region consisting of two Russian recognized independent republics, Donetsk and Luhansk, could have served as a warning to the West and ended Washington’s provocations of Russia that are leading to nuclear armageddon.…

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Hats Off to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, An American Leader

Hats Off to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, An American Leader Paul Craig Roberts Florida citizens were extremely fortunate that they got Ron DeSantis for governor.  The Democrats almost succeeded in stealing the election.  The corrupt Democrats might succeed next time, because the Biden Department of Justice (sic) is trying to discredit fair election safeguards as “racist violations of civil rights…

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Does the Kremlin Know What It Is Doing?

Does the Kremlin Know What It Is Doing? Paul Craig Roberts Earlier today I posted my take on the economic and military developments on the Russian front.  Based on news reports, I envisioned a gold ruble dethroning the US dollar and collapsing the Bretton Woods system which has enabled the US and its financial sector to exploit the world.  I…

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Russian Defense Ministry announced the involvement of Biden’s son’s foundation in financing biowar laboratories in Ukraine

News Spiked by the Western Presstitutes Russian Defense Ministry announced the involvement of Biden’s son’s foundation in financing biowar laboratories in Ukraine In addition to the Pentagon, the US Agency for International Development, the George Soros Foundation, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are directly involved in the implementation of the program, said Igor Kirillov, head of the RCB…

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