Letter from New Orleans

Letter from New Orleans The Memory Hole At Work I really enjoyed reading your article regarding the Letter from Oxford. Here in New Orleans, we are also being forced to go through an eradication of history. Our pandering mayor has also succumbed to Black Lives Matter and has personally forced the issue of removing historic statues. It is so saddening….watching…

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Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy Speech — Paul Craig Roberts

Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy Speech Paul Craig Roberts
 Readers and foreign news organizations are asking me the meaning of Donald Trump’s foreign policy speech. On the surface, his speech is contradictory. Trump says he will rebuild US military might so that America will always be first. Yet Trump emphasizes that “we want to live peacefully and in friendship with Russia…

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Letter from Europe

Letter from Europe Dear Sir , Inside of 25 years I’ve observed the shift of the mass-media in Europe from somehow different and somehow independent /original and free as much the official media can be in this “democracy-capitalism” to a “European Media” which is absolutely identical and absolutely uniformity qua content, being different only the name of that media and…

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Another Letter from the Netherlands

Another Letter from the Netherlands Dear Dr Roberts, As another citizen from the Netherlands, I would like to join Steven who wrote the letter that you sent us today. Like Steven, I am appalled at our Government’s and Parliament’s constant, blind submission to Washington. Even the liberal, progressive press very subtly demonizes Russia on a daily basis, and 9/11 truth…

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Letter from the Netherlands

Letter from the Netherlands, formerly known as Holland, the Home of the Dutch People Observations about the vassal status of the Netherlands Thank you for your excellent and powerful articles about Neocon policies and how they destroy world peace. As a Dutch citizen (having done an MBA in the US in the seventies) I’m appalled at the slide into sycophantic…

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Another Letter From Finland

Another Letter From Finland: Thank you for publishing \”PM\”\’s writing concerning situation in Finland. I am in Finland too and could not agree more. It is hard to explain the incomprehensible feeling when you see that the once so peaceful country is actively managed into chaos. Public sector costs are inflating the same time as private sector jobs are being…

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Tom Feeley reports on his health and Information Clearing House.

Dear Readers, Tom Feeley reports on his health and Information Clearing House. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article44492.htm

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Will The Democrats Choose An Oligarch For Their Presidential Candidate?

Will The Democrats Choose An Oligarch For Their Presidential Candidate? Bernie Sanders’ family annual income is not even one-third as much as Hillary was paid by Goldman Sachs for three speeches. The Clinton’s net worth is 366.7 times larger than the Sanders’ net worth. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-elections/bernie-sanders-publishes-tax-returns-showing-205000-earnings-following-hillary-clintons-challenge-a6986951.html

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Finland has been brought under Washington’s thumb

From a reader in Finland: I have felt for a long time there is something wrong in this world. Thank you for this site, it proves I´m not alone and my thoughts are not crazy. I feel liberated I used to think in my home country Finland there is still some sense in how politics is made, but I have…

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Information Clearing House

Information Clearing House Information Clearing House has not been updated for some time. I have just learned that Tom Feeley has had a stroke while in Mexico. Let’s pray that he soon recovers and is back with us. Show your support for him by supporting his website.

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Support Information Clearing House

Dear friends: Tom Feeley provides a tremendous amount of valuable information on Information Clearing House. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info He needs financial support for his website. Send him $1 or $5 or whatever you can. ICH is an important website that must be kept alive. PCR

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Providers’ Newsletter Service Has Broken Down, Awaiting A Fix By The Provider

Dear Friends: As I have previously reported, in January 2004, 12 years ago, I stated in a nationally televised TV economic debate about jobs offshoring that the United States would be a Third World country in 20 years. I over-estimated the time it would take. We are already there. We have 23% unemployment, no jobs for university graduates, deteriorating and…

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If You Value Truth, Support This Website — Paul Craig Roberts

If You Value Truth, Support This Website Paul Craig Roberts Dear Friends, This is my quarterly call for donations. This is your site and will be as long as you support it. Truth is the enemy of the state, and always has been. But today the Western populations live in a world of total lies. Try to think of anything…

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Another Phony Jobs Report

Another Phony Jobs Report And if true it is damning The monthly payroll jobs reports have become a bad joke. No growth in real retail sales, but 55,000 retail trade new jobs in February. No growth in real consumer income, but 40,000 more waitresses and bartenders. 86,000 new jobs in Education, health services, and social assistance. February is a strange…

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Stand Up For Whistleblowers — Our Liberty Depends On Them

Stand Up For Whistleblowers — Our Liberty Depends On Them The inhumane criminal organization that goes under the name of the United States Government has violated its laws and international laws by refusing to punish torturers and war criminals, instead punishing only those who expose the evil and illegal deeds of the United States government. After blowing the whistle on…

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Ten Secret Prisons Where The US Government Tortures The Innocent

Ten Secret Prisons Where The US Government Tortures The Innocent http://listverse.com/2016/02/10/10-secret-cia-prisons-you-do-not-want-to-visit/

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Reader reports on job situation in Ohio

Reader reports on job situation in Ohio: Regarding your recent post on southern Illinois, we could make similar comments on north central Ohio. Once a bastion of foundry, steel production, finer-multi-stage products (AMF Bowling products \”Magic Score\” for example) as well as drilling tubing, brass products, bicycles, Fisher Body truck assembly, White Westinghouse washer and dryer design, production & assembly…plus…

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Reader’s Report on Dire Situation in Southern Illinois

Dear Mr. Roberts, I check out your website at least twice each week. It is always most informative. Thank you. Where I live down here in far-southern Illinois the unemployment rate is upwards of sixty to eighty percent. Most individuals and families rely on food stamps or some combination of government aid. No doubt if these were taken away you…

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A Reader Reports From The Jobs Front

A Reader Reports From The Jobs Front Mr. Roberts, Thank you for your work. I suppose I’m one of the “jobs added.” $9 an hour, 40 hrs./wk., security work. No insurance provided. Last year I made well over 3 times that in manufacturing. Most all my friends laid off, our unemployment benefits now expired. Keep up your great work. —Steven,…

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ACLU Pries Torture Photos Out Of Washington

ACLU Pries Torture Photos Out Of Washington support the ACLU As of time of writing, websites, and certainly not presstitute media sites, have not posted the photos of strictly illegal torture, both under US law and International law, carried out by the criminal George W. Bush regime, most likely under the orders of the criminal VP Dick Cheney, spokesman for…

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Chicago Goon Thugs Retire With $100,000 annually.

Chicago Goon Thugs Retire With $100,000 annually. https://www.rt.com/usa/331454-chicago-police-retire-punishment/

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Police kill a man’s daughter and blame him for it

Police kill a man’s daughter and blame him for it http://mashable.com/2016/01/29/ciara-meyer-shooting-charges/?utm_cid=mash-com-Tw-main-link#LYgk0k52Vkqn

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Statement From The Robert “LaVoy” Finicum Family

In the United States Government Consists Of Deceit And Violence Statement From The Robert “LaVoy” Finicum Family http://thenewsdoctors.com/statement-from-the-robert-lavoy-finicum-family/

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An Appreciation of the Website from Germany

Dear Sir, I am one of your readers from Germany and wanted to thank you for your articles. Your comments and viewpoints DO provide very valuable insight into the issues of our time. I particularly enjoyed your recent post about Reagan and Nixon, because – as you mentioned yourself – it challenges established viewpoints. I think your site is one…

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Goon Thugs Murder Again

Goon Thugs Murder Again And Are Given A Pass By DA Mitch Morrissey, which makes the district attorney an accomplice to murder. https://www.rt.com/usa/330097-inmate-dies-police-custody/

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Capitalism Today

Capitalism Today In the first 22 hours of work in 2016 Britain’s top 100 business executives each earn an amount equal to the annual average British salary. https://www.rt.com/uk/327995-fat-cat-tuesday-pay/

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Presstitute Ranks Expand

Presstitute Ranks Expand Now the ranks of Washington’s presstitute propagandists include Sybil Edmonds, whom I supported to the hilt during her persecution by Washington, and Cobett, whose Corbett report I gave many hours on interviews. Now the two are carrying on Washington’s propaganda against RT and Putin, and are accusing me of “Putin worship” because I report the facts. We…

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“Newsletter” Subscribers

Dear subscribers to the automatic notice of new postings to the website: A few of you were deleted from the subscription service list due to a malfunction. If you do not receive the notices of new postings, please re-subscribe. It is a free service. PCR

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The majority says: “keep the site open.”

Dear Donors: Thank you for such a quick and massive response to my question about closing the site to non-donors. Some favor this approach. However, the large majority say I should keep the site open and that they are willing to bear the cost of spreading the word. I appreciate your agreement that I keep the site ad-free. PCR

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Attention Donors

Dear Donors: When you make a donation, please make a note of it. Many credit card companies do not provide adequate identification of charges on your statement. This failure of credit card companies together with the failure of donors’ memories results in “fraud charges” to IPE that can be as much as 250% of the amount of the intended donation.…

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Oregon Ranching Family Persecuted By Feds On Bogus Charges

Oregon Ranching Family Persecuted By Feds On Bogus Charges http://www.tsln.com/news/17302049-113/story.html

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Michael Hudson Explains What the French President Really Wanted to Say but Didn’t

From Michael Hudson: What French President Hollande Would Have Liked To Have Said “I apologize to President Obama for not realizing that ISIS’s attacks on France were expressions by the ‘legitimate moderate opposition’.” I appreciate President Obama making it clear that ISIS is America’s Foreign Legion just conducing moderate opposition in their own moderate manner.”

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German politician says F**k the US!

German politician says F**k the US! http://russia-insider.com/en/top-german-politician-tells-ash-carter-go-fck-himself-finally/ri8261

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Here is a List of the Goon Thugs’ Murder Victims to date

Here is a List of the Goon Thugs’ Murder Victims to date http://killedbypolice.net

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Goon Thug Fired By Sheriff

Believe it or not, I received emails from 3 males defending the goon thug who slammed around the female student in the classroom. These 3 apologists for police violence must be very ashamed of themselves, as it turns out that the goon thug nazi was too much for the Sheriff who fired the thug.   Here is the report: https://www.rt.com/usa/319983-deputy-slammed-student-fired/

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The Goon Thug Nazis Who “Serve and Protect”

The Goon Thug Nazis Who “Serve and Protect” Note that the male students just sat there. They could easily have overpowered the criminal cop, handcuffed him, called the police and reported the goon thug’s assault on a female student. Assault is a felony even when cops do it. The public should demand that state and local governments stop hiring psychopaths…

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FARS News Agency reports Israeli Colonel captured leading ISIL terrorists

FARS News Agency reports Israeli Colonel captured leading ISIL terrorists http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13940730000210

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Having Murdered honey bees and monarch butterflies, Monsanto is now after women

Having Murdered honey bees and monarch butterflies, Monsanto is now after women Are glyphosate-infected female sanitary products part of the New World Order’s population control? https://www.rt.com/usa/319524-tampons-cotton-glyphosate-monsanto/

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Another Corrupt Federal Judge

Another Corrupt Federal Judge Federal Judge T.S. Ellis III again demonstrates that he is an agent of Washington’s Gestapo State: http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/oct/23/aclu-nsa-surveillance-lawsuit-dismissed

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The Crumbling Empire

The Crumbling Empire http://news.yahoo.com/canada-withdrawing-fighter-jets-iraq-syria-trudeau-tells-220007010.html http://news.antiwar.com/2015/10/20/locals-flee-as-taliban-nears-key-southern-afghan-city/

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Tony Blair: War Criminal And Traitor

Leaked White House Memo Shows Tony Blair to be both a war criminal who committed crimes against humanity and a traitor to the British government and British people. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article43170.htm

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The Evil Empire Crumbles

The Evil Empire Crumbles http://sputniknews.com/politics/20151018/1028689293/Saudi-Arabia-Israel-Egypt-Knocking-Putins-Door.html

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US Aircraft Carriers Withdrawn From Persian Gulf

US Aircraft Carriers Withdrawn From Persian Gulf The Saker reports that on the heels of Russia’s surprising display of cruise missile capability, all US aircraft carriers have been removed from the Middle East. http://thesaker.is/u-s-carrier-strike-groups-locations-map-oct-16-2015/

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The Neoconservative Threat To World Order — Paul Craig Roberts

New Book By Paul Craig Roberts: The Neoconservative Threat To World Order Available from Clarity Press: http://www.claritypress.com/RobertsIII.html This stellar collection of Paul Craig Roberts’ essays dating from February 2014 explores the extreme dangers in Washington’s imposition of vassalage on other countries and Washington’s resurrection of distrust among nuclear powers, the very distrust that Reagan and Gorbachev worked to eliminate. Roberts…

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Fight For Peace, Not For War

Occupy Peace Paul Craig Roberts Commentators are bemoaning the death of the American peace movement. However, Gerald Celente is in the process of reviving it. You can participate on September 20 at High Noon in Kingston, New York, at the intersection of Crown and John Streets, the four most historic corners in the United States with pre-Revolutionary stone buildings on…

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Profits Before Country

Profits Before Country The US armaments industries are so corrupted by profit-maximizing intentional “cost overruns” that they can no longer produce a competitive product. Compared to Russian weapons, the US junk is crap. http://russia-insider.com/en/military/flanker-fury-how-sukhois-blanked-typhoons-12-0-british-skies/ri9258

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FBI Evidence Proves Innocence of Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Be sure you read and study this one: http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2015/08/17/fbi-evidence-proves-innocence-accused-boston-marathon-bomber-dzhokhar-tsarnaev/

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Wealthy Germans Forced Pensions of Poor Greeks Down to $94 monthly

EU proves that “democracy,” “compassion,” “good will,” are cant used to cloak Western looting and oppression. Mr. George Romanias, Greek Secretary General on Social Services, has said today, speaking to the Greek MEGA TV station: “Ι cannot stay in the Ministry. I went to apply some principles. I cannot do the opposite” Mr Romanias said adding that he will submit…

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Lost Chance In Greece

Lost Chance In Greece Syriza turned its back to the opportunity to save Greece by removing the country from the EU.The cost of this failure goes far beyond Greece and is political as well as economic. Syriza’s failure threatens the sovereignty of EU member states as well as their social welfare systems. More importantly, an opportunity to avoid World War…

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Heads up in last announcement cancelled

Heads up about possibly being unavailable for a couple of days is withdrawn. Invented ways around the problems.

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