Website might be inactive for couple of days

Dear Friends and supporters: I apologize for the website being down on the last day of our quarterly request for your financial support. If some of you were frustrated by this service interruption, please send in your contribution. I never know when I might need substantial resources in order to counter an attack on the site. In the next couple…

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Site is back up — I appreciate your support

Dear Friends, I appreciate the many notices I received that the website was down for a number of hours today. The problem, apparently, was the host for the domain name. As I predicted in 2004, the US will be a third world country in 20 years. We get closer every day. Unfortunately, the shutdown of the website occurred at the…

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Greek People Demand Their Own Destruction — Paul Craig Roberts

Greek People Demand Their Own Destruction Paul Craig Roberts Some years ago Thomas Frank wrote a book, What’s the Matter with Kansas. The book is about how brainwashed Americans vote against their own economic and political interests. The utter stupidity of populations makes them helpless at the hands of the rapacious. Today Thomas Frank could ask the same question about…

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Be Back Soon

Having a few days off. Be back soon. PCR

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This is what happens to truth-tellers in America

This is what happens to truth-tellers in America The propaganda arm of Washington, DC known as Radio Free Europe is running a hatchet job on Stephen Cohen, one of America’s preeminent Russia scholars, for standing up to U.S. establishment propaganda about Russia. It happens to all of us. Read:

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No More Free Press In Japan

Japan Catches Up With US In News Management No More Free Press In Japan

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How Could an African-American Mother Not Know That Calling The Police Was A Death Warrant For Her Son?

How Could an African-American Mother Not Know That Calling The Police Was A Death Warrant For Her Son?

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Does Judith Miller Have No Shame?

Does Judith Miller Have No Shame? Judith Miller who helped the neoconservative nazis lie America into massive war crimes in the Middle East is again lying.

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Big Brother Takes Over Toronto Symphony Orchestra

Big Brother Takes Over Toronto Symphony Orchestra A very popular pianist, Valentina Lisitsa, was dropped from the upcoming program by the Toronto Symphony because she criticized the behavior of the puppet government that Washington has set up in her native Ukraine. Listen to her play Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata: In view of their consistent tyrannical behavior, how Western governments and…

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Important — AE911Truth Seeks AIA Call For 9/11 Investigation

AE911Truth Seeks AIA Call For 9/11 Investigation Dear Readers, I don’t know how likely it is that the main architectural association would join the demand for a real investigation of 9/11, but the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth are only $9,000 short of finding out. Currently 2,300 architects and engineers dispute the official story and say that a real…

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March Payroll Jobs Report

March Payroll Jobs Report With the Atlanta Fed’s GDP forecast reduced to 0.2 percent growth in the first quarter, the Bureau of Labor Statistics was unable to come up with another high payroll jobs report. Another orchestration couldn’t pass muster. Consequently March’s payroll jobs fell away to 126,000, less than half of recent reports and insufficient to maintain pace with…

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The Vast Bulk of the Unemployed Are Not Counted

The US government gets a low unemployment rate by not counting the unemployed. Notice the collapse in the labor force participation rate since 2000.

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Massive Defeat For US Neocon Nazis and Israel’s Crazed Netanyahu

Massive Defeat For US Neocon Nazis and Israel’s Crazed Netanyahu The neocon scum and crazed Israeli government have worked for years, together with the idiot Republican Party to create a false reality about Iran and nonexistent nuclear weapons program in the hope of starting a war with Iran. Now these war hopes are defeated by the nuclear energy agreement worked…

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A Gleam of Hope: Cracks in the Empire

A Gleam of Hope: Cracks In The Empire

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Police and Military Trained To Regard Citizens As Enemy

It has come to this: Just as police are routinely trained to view citizens as enemy, now our military is being trained to regard Americans as enemy.

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Washington’s Warmongers Gallop Toward War

Washington’s Warmongers Gallop Toward War

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The Latest Economic Data From John Williams

The Latest From John Williams, – Headline February Real Retail Sales Fell by 0.8% (-0.8%), Annual Retail Sales Growth at Recession Level – First-Quarter Real Sales Contracting at 2.6% (-2.6%) Annualized Pace, Worst Showing Since Depths of Economic Collapse – Real Earnings Were Down for the Month – February Year-to-Year Inflation: 0.0% (CPI-U), -0.6% (CPI-W), 7.6% (ShadowStats) – Unstable…

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“Support The Troops”

“Support The Troops” Seymour Hersh on My Lai

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UK Citizen Won Law Case That BBC Had Advance Knowledge of 9/11

UK Citizen Won Law Case That BBC Had Advance Knowledge of 9/11 A British judge ruled in favor of a UK citizen who said that the BBC’s premature announcement of the collapse of WTC Building 7 proved advance notice and constitutes a violation of the UK Terrorism Act as the BBC did not report to authorities that the BBC was…

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The Economy Has Not Recovered And Is Again On Its Way Down

The Economy Has Not Recovered And Is Again On Its Way Down The first quarter GDP will be negative unless the figure is again manipulated and faked. I am looking at two charts. One is the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s forecast. During the past 30 days, the Atlanta Fed’s forecast has dropped from 2.3% first quarter growth to 0.3…

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Taking a few days rest

Dear Readers: I am taking off a few days, Tuesday – Friday. PCR

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10 Reasons Why The Unemployment Numbers Are A Massive Lie

Michael Snyder shows that the government has created an artificial economic reality that is contradicted by all the facts. Nearly At ‘Full Employment’? 10 Reasons Why The Unemployment Numbers Are A Massive Lie By Michael Snyder, on March 8th, 2015

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Netanyahu speaks for warmonger Congressional neoconservatives, but does he speak for Israel?

Netanyahu speaks for warmonger Congressional neoconservatives, but does he speak for Israel? Israeli mass rally calls for replacement of Binyamin Netanyahu Tens of thousands gather in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square in event led by former Mossad chief calling for prime minister to be replaced in forthcoming elections

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Putin has been very patient with the deaf, dumb, and blind West

Putin has been very patient with the deaf, dumb, and blind West As I often emphasize Washington warmongers are driving us to war with Russia, which means also with China. Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed this out at the security conference in Munich in 2007. He put Washington and Washington’s European vassal states on notice that the numerous hostile actions…

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How American “Free Enterprise Capitalism” rips us all off.

How American “Free Enterprise Capitalism” rips us all off. Under Geo. W. Bush and Obama US corporate taxes are lower than Reagan was willing to accept. Yet Cisco’s CEO thinks US taxes are too high. The American Capitalists are telling their vassals in Washington that they won’t bring the money home unless taxes are lowered. In other words, corporations want…

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The police are the worst threat any American faces.

The police are the worst threat any American faces.

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LAPD Commit Act Of Blatant Murder

LAPD Commit Act Of Blatant Murder The Los Angeles Police are a proven gang of murderers. The group that murdered the person in front of the Rescue Mission might have been one of the new privatized police units with the task of clearing poor people out of their neighborhoods so that real estate developers can gentrify the areas.

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Innocent Disabled Vietnam Veteran Set Up for Life Imprisonment by Corrupt Louisiana Cops and Prosecutors

Innocent Disabled Vietnam Veteran Set Up for Life Imprisonment by Corrupt Louisiana Cops and Corrupt Louisiana Prosecutors. The disabled veteran is surprised that cops and prosecutors would lie and construct a false case. The innocent, but gullible, veteran who foolishly trusted the system was saved by a video of the actual encounter. Read this to understand the total criminality of…

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In America the Police Are the Terrorists

In America the Police Are the Terrorists

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Nemtsov’s Assassination: A Propaganda Attack On Putin?

Nemtsov’s Assassination: A Propaganda Attack On Putin? Paul Craig Roberts Boris Nemtsov, a Russian dissident politician highly critical of President Vladimir Putin often sounded like an agent of Washington. He was shot and killed today on a street near Red Square. If Nemtsov wasn’t assassinated by the CIA in order to blame Putin, most likely Nemtsov was killed by Russian…

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George Carlin Speaks the Unvarnished Truth

George Carlin Speaks the Unvarnished Truth

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Magic for your amusement

Magic For Your Amusement

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Police paralyze grandfather

More ignorant gratuitous violence from Amerika’s goon thug cops who are a much worse danger to the public than are criminals. Americans would be safer without the police:

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Editor of Major German Newspaper Says He Planted Stories for the CIA

Editor of Major German Newspaper Says He Planted Stories for the CIA

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Washington’s Police State Turns the Screws on Journalists

Washington’s Police State Turns the Screws on Journalists Journalist Barrett Brown has been framed on false charges by the US Department of Justice (sic) with the complicity of a federal judge and sentenced to 63 months in prison. You can read his account of his frame-up below, and read it you should. As Lawrence Stratton and I wrote in our…

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Ukraine’s Military Commander: NO RUSSIAN TROOPS ARE IN UKRAINE

Ukraine’s Military Commander: NO RUSSIAN TROOPS ARE IN UKRAINE The Obama regime, its NATO puppet states, and the western presstitute media have been lying through their teeth that Russia has invaded Ukraine. Now the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine says that there are no Russian Army troops in Ukraine.

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The Globalization of War

Professor Michel Chussudovsky (Global Research) has a new book, The Globalization of War: America’s Long War Against Humanity. The “exceptional” American people, and even more importantly, the unexceptional peoples of the rest of the world, need desperately to understand that Washington is Mordor where evil does not sleep.

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Washington Rewards Evil And Punishes Good

In America, government criminals are rewarded and protected. Only the good people are punished. Be a Proud American. Wave the flag. Chant USA, USA.

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Kiev Renews War On Eastern Ukraine

Kiev Renews War On Eastern Ukraine It was obvious from the beginning that the ceasefire that the Russian government supported would be used by Washington’s Kiev vassal state to recover from defeat by the Donetsk Republic and launch a new attack. The Western media, of course, will lie about the renewal of hostilities by Washington. Russian peoples will continue to…

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The Proof Is In–Terror Plots are a Hoax

The Proof Is In–Terror Plots are a Hoax

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The cost to Europe of complying with Washington’s sanctions against Russia has reached the breaking point

This item is updated here: The cost to Europe of complying with Washington’s sanctions against Russia has reached the breaking point: If this report is correct it sounds like the Russians have had enough of the dumbshits in Washington and Washington’s dumbshit vassals in Europe. Russia says: the natural gas no longer goes through Ukraine. It goes to…

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Suspicions are growing that the French shootings are a false flag operation

Suspicions are growing that the French shootings are a false flag operation I do not know these sites or their credibility. I do know the mainstream media, and it has no credibility. Considering the number of real journalists on war fronts, not cartoonists in Paris, killed by Washington funded and organized ISIS, including filmed beheadings, the uproar…

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Glenn Greenwald nails the Charlie Hebdo affair

Glenn Greenwald nails the Charlie Hebdo affair: Sunday morning news channels report a huge “anti-terror” rally in France with 50 “world leaders” flown in to participate, including the Chancellor of Germany and the Prime Ministers of Great Britain and Spain. This looks more and more like an orchestrated affair. Assembling “world leaders” in such a short time reminds me…

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John Williams ( on the December payroll jobs report and unemployment rate

John Williams ( on the December payroll jobs report and unemployment rate: As increasingly has become the common circumstance, the upside revisions in headline monthly numbers simply are constructs of highly unstable, inconsistent and questionable seasonal adjustments being shifted between months.  The unadjusted data do not revise, but the adjusted data pick up bogus growth from gimmicked reporting . .…

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The Latest Russian Fighter Jet Blows America’s Away

The Latest Russian Fighter Jet Blows America’s Away If the morons who reign in Washington believe their propaganda, the US Air Force will be wiped out.

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Global Offensive Strike

Global Offensive Strike weapons are another expression of Washington’s preparation for initiating military aggression in pursuit of the goal of US world hegemony. The purpose is for Washington to be able to attack any country in less than one hour.

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Roundup Causes Autism says top MIT Scientist

Monsanto’s Glyphosate Toxicity Means Half of US Children Will Be Autistic by 2025

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Federal Court Gives Bush Regime Officials Immunity From Law

Federal Court Gives Bush Regime Officials Immunity From Law

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The Washington Morons Have Managed To Create A Chinese-Russian Alliance

The Washington Morons Have Managed To Create A Chinese-Russian Alliance Tass News Agency “If the Russian side needs it, we shall offer all possible support.” — Chinese Foreign Minister BEIJING, December 22, TASS. China believes Russia will be able to overcome the current economic problems, and is ready to offer whatever assistance if needed, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi said…

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In their arrogance, police forgot that what goes around comes around

In their arrogance, police forgot that what goes around comes around.

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