26 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Will Russia Collapse in 2025? Paul Craig Roberts Is Putin’s Government Trying to Be a 19th century liberal government in the brutal evil world of the 21st century? I raise this question not only because Putin has been fighting in his gentlemanly way a war on Russian territory in Ukraine for six months longer without yet winning than it took…
Read more »26 December, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
Biden grants clemency to Maryland “black widow” alleged to have killed two husbands and a lover for insurance money https://thepostmillennial.com/biden-grants-clemency-to-maryland-black-widow-alleged-to-have-killed-three-lovers-for-insurance-money Reports are that Biden and AG Garland are also considering some form of clemency for 40 convicted murderers on death row. https://nypost.com/2024/12/20/us-news/biden-considering-clemency-for-death-row-inmates-including-men-who-slaughtered-children-fellow-inmates-report/?utm_campaign=nypost&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter The American “justice” system is so corrupt that most or all of these convicted murderers could be innocent. …
Read more »20 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
This website depends on readers’ support. Is Reality Gaining a Foothold on Putin’s Thinking? Paul Craig Roberts As Laura Logan says, American journalism is a bloodsport that massacres truth-tellers. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2024/12/19/the-american-media-is-a-collection-of-whores-who-prostitute-themselves-for-money/ I have been labeled almost every name in the book–conspiracy theorist, Putin agent/dupe, Reagan fascist, anti-semite, holocaust denier, left-wing nutcase, right-wing nutcase, domestic terrorist, racist. Unable to refute my analysis,…
Read more »20 December, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
Syria Left Alone by an Abandoning World. Russia’s Redline. The End Game Is “Greater Israel”?
Read more »17 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
This website relies on readers’ support. Will Putin Fight or Surrender? Paul Craig Roberts In his meeting the other day with the Russian Defense Ministry Board, Putin discussed the accomplishments of the past year and measures needed to ensure Russia’s security from Washington’s aspirations for world dominance. “We see the US administration and the collective West relentlessly trying to…
Read more »16 December, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
Israel’s Strategic Vision Has Prevailed “The Moslem Arab World is built like a temporary house of cards put together by foreigners without the wishes and desires of the inhabitants having been taken into account. …every Arab Moslem state nowadays faces ethnic social destruction from within, and in some a civil war is already raging. All of the Arab states east…
Read more »15 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Seven Countries in Five Years Paul Craig Roberts The media brothel has presented the HTS terrorist/democratic opposition as Syria’s rescuer promising peace and friendship. But videos emerging reveal a campaign of violence, hangings and machine-gunning of people. It is Muslims killing Muslims, Arabs killing Arabs. The reason Arabs are powerless is that they had rather kill each other than fight…
Read more »13 December, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
Syria Devoured by Greater Israel https://www.globalresearch.ca/%E2%80%A8syria-left-alone-abandoning-world/5874837
Read more »09 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Updated December 9, 2024 This website relies on readers’ support Putin and Xi and Iran The Unready Paul Craig Roberts The third front that Washington opened against Russia had immediate success. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2024/12/06/us-opens-a-third-front-against-russia/ Putin’s inability to ever finish a task has cost him Syria. Putin stupidly repeated the mistake he made with the Minsk Agreement with the Astana Agreement which permitted…
Read more »08 December, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Updated December 8, 2024 This website relies on readers’ support Putin and Xi and Iran The Unready Paul Craig Roberts The third front that Washington opened against Russia had immediate success. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2024/12/06/us-opens-a-third-front-against-russia/ Putin’s inability to ever finish a task has cost him Syria. Now only Iran and Saudi Arabia stand between Israel and Israel’s goal of Greater Israel. The…
Read more »03 December, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
The British Government Has Abolished Freedom and possibly all communication between people The British government has created a “non-crime hate incident” for which a person can be written up and become part of a file to which there is access that can result in the person cited for a non-crime hate incident being unable to find employment or keep a…
Read more »21 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Breaking News: Matt Gaetz Removed as Attorney General Appointee https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2024/11/21/the-corrupt-and-totally-evil-american-establishment-has-eliminated-matt-gaetz-trumps-nominee-for-attorney-general/
Read more »21 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Corrupt and Totally Evil American Establishment Has Eliminated Matt Gaetz, Trump’s Nominee for Attorney General Paul Craig Roberts Fabricated sex scandals were the corrupt establishment’s weapons. If that beautiful woman standing next to Gaetz is his wife, the falsity of the scandals is obvious. Dear President-elect Trump, Ken Paxton, the attorney general of Texas is sitting there waiting. …
Read more »20 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Where Life and Freedom Stand Paul Craig Roberts I appreciate the confidence that readers show in me by their many emails asking if there really is to be war between the US and Russia and whether it is possible for Trump to achieve anything. I cannot possibly answer individually and continue to write and research for this website. I try…
Read more »10 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Here are the Democrat total vote count figures for the last six elections: 2004 Kerry – 59M 2008 Obama – 69.5M 2012 Obama – 65.9M 2016 Clinton – 65.9M 2020 Biden – 81.3M 2024 Harris – 66.4M Notice anything? The 2020 President Election Was Stolen Paul Craig Roberts The despicable whores called “fact checkers,” who prostitute themselves by telling…
Read more »05 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Survival Day Is At Hand: Will America Survive the Election? Paul Craig Roberts On November 3, I wrote about Meredith Furbish, a truth-suppressor for the Atlantic Council. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2024/11/04/the-final-days-of-the-lie-machine/ She misrepresented my documentation of rulings by federal judges, state judges, Justice (sic) Department and Homeland Security (sic) officials, and state and local Democrat election officials, which legalized the vote theft mechanisms…
Read more »03 November, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Can A Tsunami of Trump Votes Give Power Back to the American People? Paul Craig Roberts The Democrats are set to steal the election. They have everything in place except enough votes to hide their theft. Watch the video of the Trump Grand Finale, listen to the speeches by Robert Kennedy and Tucker Carlson. Marvel at the massive audience. It…
Read more »29 October, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
When Evil Is Allowed In, Evil Stays Paul Craig Roberts On two previous occasions Israel sent its vaunted army into southern Lebanon only to be driven out by the Arab militia, Hezbollah, operating without tanks, without an air force, without air defense. It appears that it has now happened again. Israel has been stopped cold on the ground, causing…
Read more »29 October, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Holocaust Narrative Is Protected but Apparently Unraveling Paul Craig Roberts Walt King documents in the Unz Review, the inability of historians and chemists to find evidence that substantiates the Zionist narrative of the Holocaust. https://www.unz.com/article/auschwitz-six-facts-and-seven-questions/ Apparently, there is scant evidence uncovered by any researcher that supports the Holocaust narrative. Historians such as David Irving can document massacres of Jews,…
Read more »28 October, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
How America Was Destroyed Hardly anything is left Paul Craig Roberts Those who control the Democrat Party are concerned about Kamala’s election chances. Little wonder. She represents the most anti-American, anti-Constitution, anti-white, anti-peace regime in US history. Top Democrats are concerned that Trump will not only take the swing states, despite the multiple theft mechanisms Democrats have in place, but…
Read more »28 October, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
When America Made Beautiful Cars From the days before the Federal Uglifiers Took Over They deprived us of beauty to “make us safe.” Without beauty no one is safe.
Read more »27 October, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Satan’s Chosen People Paul Craig Roberts Major massacre as Israel attacks last functioning hospital in Gaza https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2024/10/25/735942/Israeli-major-massacre-Gaza-Jabalia- “The attack on the Kamal Adwan hospital, located in Beit Lahia northwest of Jabalia, was launched around 2 a.m. local time Friday, shortly after a World Health Organization delegation left the hospital. “It began with airstrikes targeting the hospital and its courtyards,…
Read more »24 October, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Is Western Civilizational Decline Too Advanced to Be Reversed? Paul Craig Roberts Trump says he intends to make America great again, and his supporters believe him. I also believe it is Trump’s intent. The question is if there is enough left of America to restore. Trump, if he is careful about his appointments, could make a good stab at restoration: …
Read more »23 October, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
Tony Fauci: A Mass Murderer on the Level of Netanyahu? Nothing is done to hold accountable Tony Fauci, the NIH, CDC, FDA, Big Pharma, Presstitute Media, President Biden, Medical Boards and HMOs who lied to us thereby causing massive numbers of deaths and health injuries. The Covid “vaccine” is Netanyahu’s unlimited violence against Palestinians applied to the entire world. The…
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