12 August, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
03 August, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
An Infamous Ruling By Paul Craig Roberts May 12, 2004 Twenty years and three months ago I wrote an article on the 50th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education. This was the US Supreme Court decision that racially integrated public schools in America. Liberal elites saw the decision as a hallmark ruling for racial integration. More importantly, it was…
Read more »30 July, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
30 July, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
Are Polls Being Faked to Set Up Swing States to be Stolen for Harris? If the gap is as great as in Minnesota and Michigan, the left-wing has done a thorough job of brainwashing Americans.
Read more »26 July, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Are there skeletons in the closet of NBC’s VP choice for Kamala? Paul Craig Roberts Since posting this article: “Democrats Need Second Thoughts About Possible VP Candidate Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro:” https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2024/07/24/democrats-need-second-thoughts-about-possible-vp-candidate-josh-shapiro/ media have been hyping Shapiro as the VP Kamala needs: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/republicans-see-gov-josh-shapiro-harris-super-strong-vp-contender-rcna163322 Shapiro is suspected of covering up a murder in order to protect a politically prominent family. The…
Read more »24 July, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
How Crooks Was Recruited as the Patsy Mobile Data Reveals Someone Who Regularly Visited Thomas Crooks’ Home and Work Also Visited a Building in Washington DC Near FBI Office https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/mobile-data-reveals-someone-who-regularly-visited-thomas/ Senator wants answers:
Read more »22 July, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
My Take on the Assassination Attempt Paul Craig Roberts Based on the acoustic analysis presented by Mike Adams and Chris Martenson ( https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2024/07/21/acoustic-evidence-proves-beyond-all-doubt-more-than-one-shooter/ ), here is my interpretation of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Adams concluded that the first three shots came from Crooks on the building roof. However, Adams later says he thinks shots afterward came from inside…
Read more »22 July, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Will Trump’s Near Assassination by the Deep State Be Covered Up? Paul Craig Roberts After many years of accusing truth tellers of being “conspiracy theorists,” presstitutes join the ranks of conspiracy theorists. Keith Olbermann says Trump is lying about being shot and that there is no confirmation from police or doctors that Trump was hit by a bullet. Joy Reid…
Read more »22 July, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
Does America Have a Future? Paul Craig Roberts As readers know, I expected Biden to be moved aside. I wondered why the Democrats were waiting so long. They might have been waiting to see if the planned assassination of Trump succeeded. Biden is an issue because he cannot win or come close enough to winning for the Democrats to be…
Read more »17 July, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Assassination Attempt Paul Craig Roberts Some say that it is too early to know what explains Trump’s near assassination. However, a good case can be made that we already know all we will ever know. The passage of time simply allows official narratives to be constructed, and they are used to muddy the waters. I support the calls for…
Read more »15 July, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
Dear white American heterosexual male: “Our” government is trying to destroy us. Realize this and get into the fight. Never give up. Throughout human history the unaware and the dumbshits have never survived.
Read more »14 July, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
A Light in the Darkness from 4 years 3 months ago https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/03/31/a-light-in-the-darkness/ A light in the Darkness Paul Craig Roberts Diana Johnstone’s just published book, Circle in the Darkness: Memoir of a World Watcher, is the best book I have ever read about world events during my lifetime, the most revealing, the most accurate, the most truthful, the most moral…
Read more »14 July, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
DEMOCRATS CALLING FOR TRUMP’S ASSASSINATION NOW SAY THEY ARE PRAYING FOR HIM https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/special-bulletin-america-teeters?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1351274&post_id=146588043&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=10r3uc&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email Initial Coverage by Whore Media Pretends No Assassination Attempt American Presstitutes are the scum of the earth. https://blog.maryannedemasi.com/p/mainstream-media-fails-again?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1044435&post_id=146593029&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=dx5km&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email The Party of Assassination: Democrats and CNN Presstitutes almost get what they have been calling for Sky News Skewers CNN for Pretending there was no assassination attempt and if…
Read more »14 July, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
Read more »03 July, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
01 July, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Resurrection of French Nationalism? Paul Craig Roberts France was the last European nation to lose its sovereignty, and France might be the first to recover its sovereignty. In the 1960s France was still a nation of ethnic French as contrasted with the tower of babel and a geographical entity that it is today. During the ten-year presidency of Charles…
Read more »30 June, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
Anyone who watched the “debate” has to know that the 33% who think Biden won are completely stupid
Read more »26 June, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Reason Conservatives Are Ineffective Defenders of Liberty Paul Craig Roberts Occasionally I note that conservatives are ineffective defenders of liberty. The primary reason is that they confuse America with the government. The government is not America. As our Founding Fathers understood, government is our enemy. They attempted to restrain our enemy with the Constitution and the separation of its…
Read more »26 June, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
America: Love it or leave it, but you must not criticize it.
Read more »20 June, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
Water in Jabaliya is hard to come by and mixed with sewage. Here, people wait for hours and receive just one gallon of contaminated water. (screenshot) The Jewish Power Party says the party is committed to the annexation of Gaza for Jewish settlement as soon as the Palestinians “voluntarily migrate,” an euphemism for being expelled by violence. Have you ever…
Read more »17 June, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
16 June, 2024|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Ever Widening War Paul Craig Roberts British Foreign Minister Says “We must go after everything Russian.” “We will show Putin that we are completely behind Ukraine: we will chase the money and the oil, we will stop the gas, we will stop the ships,” declared British Foreign Minister Cameron. The UK is “hunting” companies that do business with Russia…
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