This Is What Happens When Dumbshit White People Place Their Courts and Their Justice System in the Hands of Their Enemies

This Is What Happens When Dumbshit White People Place Their Courts and Their Justice System in the Hands of Their Enemies 

Zionists succeeded in immunizing Jews and Israel from criticism by branding criticism of Jews or Israel as “anti-semitism” and “holocaust denial.”  Thus, the entire world stands aside while Israelis massacre Palestinians whose land they covet.

Blacks learned and repeated the Zionists’ success by branding all criticism of blacks as “racist.”  Thus rogue black prosecutors such as New York’s Letitia James cannot be held accountable for weaponizing law and cancelling Americans’ Constitutional rights.  Judges and law schools stand aside while black prosecutors put the US judicial system to Stalinist use. Not a peep from media, Congress, or the White House.  And the public goes along with its own demise.

The most accurate description that can be given today of the American judicial system is Stalinist.

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