Will the Death Rate from the Vaccine Exceed the Death Rate from Covid?
Devastating Toll to Health from Mass-Jabbing for Covid
by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org – Home – Stephen Lendman)
Public health and well-being are being greatly harmed by mass-jabbing in the West and elsewhere with experimental drugs that don’t protect and risk tragic consequences when taken as directed.
Examples abound, new horror stories surfacing regularly.
On February 22, Life Site News (LSN) reported that after the WHO approved AstraZeneca’s high-risk/experimental covid vaccine on February 15, around 25% of vaxxed healthcare workers at the University Hospital of Brest in Brittany were adversely affected.
They were unable to work because of severe headaches, high fever, chills, nausea, and sore muscles that virtually incapacitated them.
As a result, hospital authorities stopped vaxxing.
Much the same is happening elsewhere in France. Hospitals are experiencing a staff shortage from mass-vaxxing from covid, not the disease.
In one French hospital, “half of the physiotherapists were on sick leave at the same time after having received the vaccine,” LSN reported.
In Vannes, France, nearly 20% of healthcare workers fell ill after vaxxed.
Over 20% of Normandy-based Saint-Lo hospital’s staff were adversely affected the same way.
In Dordogne near Bordeaux, over 50% of Perigueux hospital staff fell ill from vaxxing.
Within 24 hours after AstraZeneca’s covid vaccine was approved, at least 363 adverse events occurred among healthcare workers under age-50.
Yet French authorities to date haven’t “call(ed) into question the risk/benefit ratio of the vaccine,” said LSN, adding:
“This is remarkable, considering that the risk of falling ill following a SARS-CoV-2 contamination is very small at that age, while the vaccine – that boasts a mere 62 to 70 percent “efficiency rate,” – is apparently causing real symptoms bad enough to prevent work in about one in five of the young people who have received the shot.”
In fast-tracked clinical trials, AstraZeneca observed the above adverse events.
Never investigated or resolved by the company or WHO, what’s clearly harmful to health — and doesn’t protect — was approved anyway.
As of now, vaxxing in France slowed because of what’s going on, not stopped that’s essential.
Instead of preventing illness, mass-jabbing for covid is proliferating it.
It’s happening throughout Europe and in the US.
Note: Around one-third of deaths reported to the CDC from mass-jabbing with Pfizer and Moderna experimental DNA altering mRNA technology happened within 48 hours.
Populations in Europe and the US are being subjected to the most large-scale ever harmful to human health experiment that continues despite widespread numbers of adverse events and deaths.
In mid-February, UK authorities reported that 244 people, including 8 fetuses, died shortly after jabbing with either Pfizer’s mRNA technology or AstraZeneca’s vaccine.
Yet the Boris Johnson regime falsely claimed that inoculations weren’t responsible for what happened.
Britain’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) approved what should have been prohibited.
Healthy individuals are falling ill or dying in large numbers after being jabbed for covid.
If what’s going on continues unchecked — what’s highly likely — the human toll will surely be devastating.
VISIT MY WEBSITE: stephenlendman.org (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.