By Bill Sardi
Dallas, Texas-based doctors report they have been able to drastically slash death rates among COVID-19 Coronavirus patients with telemedicine and home care. Hospitalization was only needed in 1.9% of 922 treated patients. This striking study was published in the December 30 issue of Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine.
Doctors initially used an array of treatments that included an antibiotic and either zinc, hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin. For more severe patients, clinic visits for intravenous magnesium, vitamin B1 (thiamine), plus other oral B vitamins and nebulized medication were employed and considered safe and feasible.
Only 35.6% of the 922-treated patients tested positive for COVID-19 by PCR test; another 591 test-negative patients were considered false negatives as they went on to develop more serious symptoms. This suggests the PCR nasal swab test is largely inaccurate. Only 1.9% of these patients needed to be hospitalized.
While the US has a COVID-19 mortality rate of 877 per million, India, a third-world country, has only 102 deaths per million, suggesting room for improvement in care.
First treat-at-home approach utilized telemedicine.
A comparable study conducted at another hospital in Texas where the same medicines were used resulted in a 5.8% mortality rate. Reduction in mortality rate to 0.3% was demonstrably superior to hospital care.
The trauma of hospitalization plus the potential risk for medication errors, antibiotic resistance and ventilator-induced lung disease, along with sunshine vitamin D deprivation, suggests hospitalization itself may be too traumatic and hazardous for many patients, especially the frail elderly.
Frightening news headlines of cases and deaths need not be
The specious news reports of crushing rates of positive cases, which only reflect the intensity of testing, not the prevalence or spread of COVID-19 infections; and reports of over-full hospitals and ghastly deaths involving breathless patients who rapidly expire, need not be.
The death rate was slashed 19-fold with use of telemedicine and stay-at-home treatment. Remedies used were relatively safe. This regimen would likely be superior to mass vaccination and would in fact, supplant vaccination altogether.
Long-term vaccine studies, which are required to determine if vaccines reduce death rates, have not been launched yet.
These experimental and unlicensed vaccines are widely advertised as being 95% effective, but only in relative numbers. Vaccines are initially being tested to reduce symptoms, not prevent COVID-10 infection or death. More than 99 in 100 patients have to be vaccinated to prevent one death, which amounts to over-treatment.
To date (Jan. 5, 2021) 354,000 deaths from COVID-19 have been reported in the US over ~12-month time span in a population of ~325,000,000, or 1/10th of one-percent of the population.
Obviously, treat-at-home COVID-19 cases would save billions of dollars. Many patients with symptoms of COVID-19 are electing to stay at home and avoid further contact with infected patients or medical staff at the hospital.
A survey conducted by the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions found 36% of respondents considered going to the hospital as more risky behavior than going to the beach or a hair salon; 61% believed they were likely to contract the disease while at the hospital. Another survey conducted by the American College of Emergency Physicians found 70% of consumers say they are concerned about contracting COVID-19 if they go to health facilities.
It would be wise for American families to stock up on zinc lozenges, vitamin D, selenium (to prevent viral mutations), magnesium and oral vitamin B1 (preferably as Benfotiatmine), and to purchase ivermectin (an anti-worming medication) from pet stores before symptoms arise.
Common symptoms of COVID-19 are: loss of sense of smell and/or taste, fever, breathlessness, cough, body aches, fatigue, weakness, sore throat, vomiting/diarrhea, mental confusion or memory loss, sleeplessness, bluish lips or face.
And finally, if you in need of a little health and humor and you need another motivation to stay out of the hospital, you might want to watch this short video clip.