Georgia Governor Calls for Audit of Ballot Signatures
It seems simple enough to conduct a sample audit of signatures on the absentee ballot envelopes and compare those to the signatures on applications and on file at the secretary of state’s office.
The risk-limiting audit, which has been referred to as a hand recount, turned up thousands of uncounted votes in four counties. More than a dozen witnesses of the recount signed sworn affidavits attesting to errors and potential fraud, including Trump votes which were counted for Biden and suspicious batches of pristine, uncreased, and uniformly filled absentee ballots.
Both mail-in ballots and provisional ballots voted in person are folded before being placed into a privacy envelope, making the absence of any creases odd. The odd batches were overwhelmingly for Biden. On one occasion, auditors counted more than 500 of the pristine ballots in a row for the former vice president.
The problem with having a signature audit is that it seems the Democrats have thrown away the ballot envelops.
Keep in mind that the reason it was so easy for the Democrats to steal the election is that few Republicans have any fight in them.