20 September, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
“A NATO invasion of nuclear Russia is currently underway, and the world is unaware that it is in World War III”. Has President Putin’s Patience Reached Its Limits? All Red Lines Crossed – Multiple Times https://www.globalresearch.ca/has-president-putins-patience-reached-its-limits%E2%80%A8/5865408 PCR comment: It has happened exactly as I predicted. Putin’s refusal to admit that Russia was at war with the West has produced increasingly…
Read more »07 January, 2024|Categories: Guest Contributions
World War III approaches – just as planned https://www.rt.com/russia/589141-oligarchs-world-war-3/
Read more »15 September, 2022|Categories: Guest Contributions
Understanding World War II For several years my fact-based articles about the real World War II were the most read ones on my website. One of them still ranks as #4. The official history of WWII is such a collection of lies that the more these lies are exposed, the better chance we have to make better decisions in the…
Read more »24 May, 2022|Categories: Guest Contributions
The U.S. Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II https://www.globalresearch.ca/us-has-killed-more-than-20-million-people-in-37-victim-nations-since-world-war-ii/5492051
Read more »19 June, 2021|Categories: Articles & Columns
World War II Was Stalin’s War Paul Craig Roberts In my articles ( https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/?s=World+War+II ) based on David Irving’s and Viktor Suvorov’s WWII histories and Ron Unz’s article, “Understanding World War II” ( https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-understanding-world-war-ii/ ), I pointed out that historians have falsified the history of WWII. Others have taken up the theme, not always honestly acknowledging their indebtedness to Irving…
Read more »10 May, 2021|Categories: Articles & Columns
Truth Is Gaining Ground on the Lies of World War II Paul Craig Roberts Years ago concerned with Washington’s growing provocation of Russia, I made the remark in a column that Hitler, like Napoleon, destroyed himself by marching off into Russia. I suggested we not repeat the folly. Two readers corrected me. They informed me that Hitler had no choice. …
Read more »08 March, 2021|Categories: Articles & Columns
Dear Readers: Your website needs your support. What Was World War II About? Paul Craig Roberts In the United States the feel good explanation is that the war was about making freedom and democracy safe. In actual fact there were many agendas at play, and they had next to nothing to do with freedom and democracy. World War II Has…
Read more »04 March, 2021|Categories: Articles & Columns
Readers: Please show me your support for the website. Back to World War II Paul Craig Roberts For the longest time the most widely read article on this website was “Germany Did Not Start World War II.” This article has been moved into second place by “The Proof Is In: The Election Was Stolen.” The third most widely read article…
Read more »23 April, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Germany’s War by John Wear: Chapter 10 Traditional historians usually characterize National Socialist Germany as a barbaric, vile, uncivilized, and criminal regime. For example, one historian states that in 1945, “Nazism was not only exposed to the German people as a catastrophic failure on its own terms, but was also revealed to all as an assault on civilized values.”1 Another…
Read more »19 April, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
Note: A person who is more familiar than I with David Irving’s travail with Zionists writes: The actual fact of the matter regarding Irving’s impoverishment is that Irving sued Deborah Lipstadt for asserting that he, Irving, was a “Holocaust Denier”. In his innocence and/or naivete, he thought the academic stance he had taken was adequataely distinct from the Holocaust…
Read more »14 January, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Real Cause of World War II Was the Allies Deception of Germany with the 1918 Armistice and the Subsequent Versailles Treaty Paul Craig Roberts John Wear and many other historians including David Irving have shown Churchill and Roosevelt’s guilt for World War II. Suvorov has made a strong case that Stalin also was guilty. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/01/13/rescuing-the-history-of-world-war-ii-wear-vs-suvorov/ The guilt of these…
Read more »13 January, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
Rescuing the History of World War II : Wear vs. Suvorov Paul Craig Roberts The fourth chapter of John Wear’s book, Germany’s War is now posted. The evidence is overwhelming that it was Roosevelt and Churchill who were determined to have war with Germany and not Germany who wanted war with the Anglo-Saxons. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/01/13/germanys-war-chapter-4-the-allied-conspiracy-to-instigate-prolong-wwii/ Hitler made many peace overtures to…
Read more »10 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Rescuing World War II, Chapter 3, The Forced War: How World War II Was Originated https://www.unz.com/book/john_wear__germanys-war/ Germany’s War by John Wear. Chapter III: https://www.amazon.com/GERMANYS-WAR-Origins-Aftermath-Atrocities/dp/0982344899/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1CODKQLIYA3ZW&keywords=john+wear+germany%27s+war&qid=1578315223&s=books&sprefix=John+Wear%2Caps%2C169&sr=1-1 Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, was a preemptive strike that prevented the Soviet Union from conquering all of Europe. Hitler was later forced to declare war on the United States because…
Read more »08 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Germany’s War by John Wear. Chapter II: Franklin D. Roosevelt and America’s Second Crusade: https://www.amazon.com/GERMANYS-WAR-Origins-Aftermath-Atrocities/dp/0982344899/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1CODKQLIYA3ZW&keywords=john+wear+germany%27s+war&qid=1578315223&s=books&sprefix=John+Wear%2Caps%2C169&sr=1-1 Most historians portray President Franklin D. Roosevelt as a lover of peace and democracy who had to involve the United States in World War II to stop fascist aggression. However, as we shall see in the following discussion, Franklin Roosevelt and his administration secretly made…
Read more »06 January, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
Rescuing World War II History Paul Craig Roberts The American Free Press has published a book by John Wear titled Germany’s War: The Origins, Aftermath & Atrocities of World War II. The book is a compendium of WW II revisionist history. Wear pulls together work of Harry Elmer Barnes, James Bacque, Viktor Suvorov, David Hoggan, David Irving, and others to…
Read more »06 January, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Germany’s War by John Wear, Part I: The Allied Conspiracy to Originate World War II, Chapter 1: The Chief Culprit: Josef Stalin & the USSR https://www.amazon.com/GERMANYS-WAR-Origins-Aftermath-Atrocities/dp/0982344899/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1CODKQLIYA3ZW&keywords=john+wear+germany%27s+war&qid=1578315223&s=books&sprefix=John+Wear%2Caps%2C169&sr=1-1 Viktor Suvorov, The Chief Culprit, https://www.amazon.com/Chief-Culprit-Stalins-Grand-Design/dp/1591148065/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Viktor+Suvorov&qid=1578315399&s=books&sr=1-1 Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, is widely interpreted by historians as an unprovoked act of aggression by Germany. Adolf Hitler is typically…
Read more »22 November, 2019|Categories: Articles & Columns
Germany Did Not Start World War II Paul Craig Roberts This is the second installment of Ron Unz’s long report on the emergent truth about World War II. (http://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-understanding-world-war-ii/) Unz has a facility for summarizing vast works of scholarship into their essentials. Unz is also intellectually honest and has massive intellectual courage. He saves the rest of us a lot…
Read more »19 November, 2019|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Truth About World War II Is Beginning To Emerge 74 Years Later Paul Craig Roberts “The Lies About World War II” (https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2019/05/13/the-lies-about-world-war-ii/) is my most popular column of the year. It is a book review of David Irving’s Hitler’s War and Churchill’s War, the first volumn of Irving’s three volume biography of Winston Churchill. A person does not know…
Read more »13 May, 2019|Categories: Articles & Columns
The Lies About World War II Paul Craig Roberts In the aftermath of a war, history cannot be written. The losing side has no one to speak for it. Historians on the winning side are constrained by years of war propaganda that demonized the enemy while obscuring the crimes of the righteous victors. People want to enjoy and feel good…
Read more »28 May, 2016|Categories: Articles & Columns
As Our Past Wars Are Glorified This Memorial Day Weekend, Give Some Thought To Our Prospects Against The Russians And Chinese In World War III Paul Craig Roberts The Saker reports that Russia is preparing for World War III, not because Russia intends to initiate aggression but because Russia is alarmed by the hubris and arrogance of the West, by…
Read more »25 April, 2016|Categories: Articles & Columns
World War III Has Begun Paul Craig Roberts The Third World War is currently being fought. How long before it moves into its hot stage? Washington is currently conducting economic and propaganda warfare against four members of the five bloc group of countries known as BRICS—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Brazil and South Africa are being destabilized with…
Read more »03 September, 2015|Categories: Articles & Columns . Guest Contributions . Other
The Stupid US and European Governments Have Made Themselves Irrelevant It is difficult to explain the incompetence that has become the hallmark of Western governments and media. The West has boycotted China’s celebration of its World War II victory, but apparently American veterans of the Flying Tigers are attending. Here is RT’s report on China’s World War II victory celebration…
Read more »26 June, 2015|Categories: Interview archive . Interviews . King World News
King World News Interviews PCR — Greek Default Could Cancel World War III http://kingworldnews.com/paul-craig-roberts-warns-greek-government-may-be-assassinated-in-this-crisis-if-they-pivot-east-to-stop-world-war-iii/
Read more »23 November, 2014|Categories: Articles & Columns
Opening the Gates to World War III Paul Craig Roberts “The US wants to subdue Russia, to solve US problems at Russia’s expense. No one in history ever managed to do this to Russia, and no one ever will.” Vladimir Putin, November 17, 2014. According to news reports, Washington has decided to arm Ukraine for renewed military assault on Russian…
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