By: pcr3|14 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
Hang Them High, Bondi Attorney General Pam Bondi announced on Thursday the Justice Department has taken legal action against Gov. Kathy Hochul, New York Attorney General Letitia James, and DMV Commissioner Mark J.F. Schroeder over New York issuing driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. The actions are in step with President Donald Trump’s pledge to restore law and order throughout the…
Read more »By: pcr3|14 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
US Intelligence Suggests Israel Is Trying To Drag Trump Into Preemptive Attack On Iran Pray that God gives Trump the wisdom to resist Israel’s pressure to take America to war. War would put Trump’s agenda to renew America on the back burner.
Read more »By: pcr3|14 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Criminal Biden Regime Stole Money from Americans and Purchased Cars, Houses, and Businesses for Immigrant-Invaders.
Read more »By: pcr3|14 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
Trump freezes all National Endowment for Democracy funding The National Endowment for Democracy has traditionally been a slush fund for the CIA and neoconservative warmongers. Its name is Orwellian.
Read more »By: pcr3|14 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
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Read more »By: pcr3|14 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
“For twenty years, I’ve gotten up every morning, on my knees and prayed that GOD would put me in a position where I could end the childhood chronic disease epidemic in this country…On August 23rd of last year, GOD sent me President Trump.”
Read more »By: pcr3|14 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
Sweden’s Open Borders Have Destroyed the Nation
Read more »By: pcr3|13 February, 2025|Categories: Articles & Columns
No War with Russia Putin had so mismanaged the conflict with Ukraine that the US and NATO were firing missiles into Russia, promising more escalation than peace. Trump has intervened, moving war off the agenda. Perhaps Trump will be equally effective against Israel and Israel’s war-based agenda of Greater Israel. Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social I just…
Read more »By: pcr3|13 February, 2025|Categories: Articles & Columns
Trump Could Take a Page from President Andrew Jackson’s Playbook Paul Craig Roberts If Trump plays by the corrupt judiciary’s rulings and allows judicial edicts to override executive orders, he and his movement are finished. One can say that the absurd judicial edicts will be overturned by higher courts, but, as Trump says, stopping the President from acting gives…
Read more »By: pcr3|13 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
Judge clears the way for Trump’s plan to downsize the federal workforce with deferred resignation program “U.S. District Judge George O’Toole Jr. in Boston found a group of labor unions didn’t have legal standing to challenge the program, commonly described as a buyout. Trump wants to use financial incentives to encourage government employees to quit. According to the White House,…
Read more »By: pcr3|13 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
Yesterday Matt Taibbi Explained to the House Judiciary Committee the Difference Between Journalism and Propaganda Mr. Chairman, Two years ago, when Michael and I first testified before your Weaponization of Government Subcommittee, Democratic members called us “so-called journalists,” suggested we were bought-off “scribes,” and questioned our ethics and loyalties. When we tried to answer, we were told to shut up,…
Read more »By: pcr3|13 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
Clinton Foundation’s Dirty Secrets: Deficient Filings and Scandalous Ties Exposed
Read more »By: pcr3|12 February, 2025|Categories: Articles & Columns
Reports from the Front Lines Paul Craig Roberts Completely partisan Democrat judges continue to issue judicial edicts with zero basis in law or precedent for the single purpose of protecting the Democrats’ use of the federal budget as their personal slush fund for such outrageous things as awarding their kids millions of dollars and paying presstitutes to attack American patriots.…
Read more »By: pcr3|12 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
It Was Official UK Government Policy for Decades to Aid and Abet Immigrant-Invader Gang Rapes of Young British Girls
Read more »By: pcr3|12 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
Bigger Than USAID Scandal? Clinton Probe to Expose Gates, Soros and Epstein Links
Read more »By: pcr3|12 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
Question: What Could Soros Be Jailed For? Answer: Insider Trading, Color Revolutions, USAID Money-Laundering, interfering in US elections laundering- what-could-soros-be-jailed-for-1121553950.html Does being Jewish give Soros immunity from prosecution?
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In the US centralized federal government originated as a war crime
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Read more »By: pcr3|11 February, 2025|Categories: Articles & Columns
A Report from the Front Lines In Three Parts Paul Craig Roberts Democrats and Presstitutes Panicked that Musk Is Revealing Their Grift Paul Craig Roberts Elon Musk’s revelations of the extraordinary corruption in federal departments have made it clear for me why so many Democrat Representatives and Senators without business backgrounds became multi-millionaires and how the presstitute media abandoned…
Read more »By: pcr3|11 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
By: pcr3|11 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
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Read more »By: pcr3|10 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
Judges have no authority to tell a President that he cannot eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse from the federal budget. For a judge to make such a ruling incriminates the judge as a recipient of fraudulent funds. The judge should be thoroughly investigated. It seems obvious that the judge is either a crook or an incompetent fool. If the judge…
Read more »By: pcr3|10 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
Apparently criminals and possibly even terrorists have been receiving the taxpayers’ money. Click to enlarge
Read more »By: pcr3|10 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
Elon Musk Cancelled $1.26 billion wasted by 30 Biden regime cabinet departments and government agencies on DEI indoctrination. Imagine all of the cronies Democrats enriched who quickly formed DEI federal contracting firms. All the while American veterans were living on the streets.
Read more »By: pcr3|10 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
Massive Fraud in the Pentagon The budget is for enriching the politically connected, not for national defense.
Read more »By: pcr3|09 February, 2025|Categories: Articles & Columns
A Fight to the Death Is Underway Paul Craig Roberts Some people will regard my title as hyperbole. It is not. Trump, I believe, understands he is in a fight to the death. The American establishment tried to discredit and ruin him, to imprison him, to assassinate him. They stole his 2020 reelection from him. They tried to steal his…
Read more »By: pcr3|09 February, 2025|Categories: Interview archive . Interviews
Here is my interview with Rasheed Muhammad of the RedPillDiaries It is very good. You will learn a lot that you need to know.
Read more »By: pcr3|09 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Totally Corrupt Democrat USAID Funded the World Economic Forum, an Organization Dedicated to the Destruction of American Sovereignty
Read more »By: pcr3|09 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
Wouldn’t you like it if USAID gave you $84 million for you to have $3 million to blow on your wedding and $10 million to purchase a luxury mansion and enough income on the $71 million remaining to pay the property tax and insurance on your mansion. USAID is nothing but a $50 billion a year slush fund of our…
Read more »By: pcr3|09 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
USAID Funds Leftwing organizations worldwide because there is no public support for the leftwing organizations Without Americans’ taxpayer dollars the left wing would not exist. The judges pimping for the Democrats’ protection of USAID are pimping for the Democrats rip-off of American taxpayers. These judges should be arrested and charged for prostitution of their office.
Read more »By: pcr3|09 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
The corrupt judge must be arrested for obstruction of justice. The executive branch must ride roughshod over the corrupt judicial warfare rulings of judges. j
Read more »By: pcr3|09 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
Is Trump Going Too Far by Using US Sanctions to Protect Israel? The International Criminal Court Wants to Hold Israel Accountable for War Crimes that Biden Enabled by Sending the Weapons. Trump needs to decide whether America stands for Christian morality and human rights or for Israel.
Read more »By: pcr3|09 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
Musk stopped it
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California is No Longer an American State We don’t need it any longer. Trump should give California to Mexico or to China. Just get rid of the idiots who elect anti-American scum like Gavin Newsom. The last thing Americans need are people this stupid.
Read more »By: pcr3|09 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
Thank God this stupid woman sterilized herself before she passed her genes on.
Read more »By: pcr3|07 February, 2025|Categories: Articles & Columns
Do Western Governments Deserve the People’s Support? Paul Craig Roberts If Trump has any chance of prevailing, he must ride roughshod over the corrupt American judicial system and Congress. The corrupt judges far outnumber the honest ones. Hardly any judicial decision warrants obeying as they are nothing but judicial warfare. Consider New York attorney general Letitia James, an implant…
Read more »By: pcr3|07 February, 2025|Categories: Articles & Columns
European Governments Deny Social Justice to White European Women Immigrant-invaders Have Acquired the de facto right to rape white European females and “feminists” are silent Hanne Herland with an Introduction by Paul Craig Roberts For years I have emphasized that white governments emphasize the rights of alien immigrant-invaders over the rights of ethnic citizens. This has gone so far as…
Read more »By: pcr3|07 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
Read more »By: pcr3|07 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
How CIA & USAID Used Coup Playbook Against Trump These two unAmerican organizations are traitors and deserve execution.–usaid-used-coup-playbook-against-trump–1121542201.html
Read more »By: pcr3|07 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
Corrupt USAID Gave Multi-Billionaire Far Left George Soros $260 million of US Taxpayers’ Money
Read more »By: pcr3|07 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
USAID Funds Foreign Media to Lie for Washington
Read more »By: pcr3|07 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
USAID Funded Advertising Boycotts to Impose Censorship It is completely clear that the Biden Democrats attempted a political coup. They are guilty of treason. Elon Musk on USAID: “USAID is a ball of worms. There is no apple. And when there is no apple, you have to get rid of the whole thing.”
Read more »By: pcr3|07 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Utter Corruption of the Far Left Permanent Government Is Exposed This is an important report. Unleashing Elon Musk has exposed the theft of the American government by far left infiltration. Department of Government Efficiency Live Tracker
Read more »By: pcr3|07 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
Trump bars trans athletes from female sports Finally, a president who stands up for women, and the dumbshit feminists hate him.
Read more »By: pcr3|07 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Bad Part of Trump Is Israel
Read more »By: pcr3|07 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
A Government that Represents the People
Read more »By: pcr3|07 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
The State of New York Is No Longer Part of America If you are white and you live in this God forsaken place, get out as fast as you can.
Read more »By: pcr3|07 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
Left-wing Museum Queers Denounce Legos as homophobic
Read more »By: pcr3|06 February, 2025|Categories: Articles & Columns
Trump’s Solution for Gaza: Make It an American Resort Paul Craig Roberts Let’s see, The US supplied the ordinance with which Israel turned Gaza into a demolition site. To clear out the ruins requires the Palestinians to go somewhere else. With Gazas relocated, Gaza will be turned into a resort owned by the US. Washington’s presence will bring peace to…
Read more »By: pcr3|06 February, 2025|Categories: Guest Contributions
Both USAID And The CIA Were Behind The Impeachment Of Trump in 2019
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