The American Media Is a Laughing Stock and the Servant of Evil
In “The Unconscious Civilization” (House of Anansi, 1995; Free Press, 1997) John Ralston Saul, the Canadian scholar and writer, was early in identifying the disconnection between language, as used in our public discourse, and reality. The expansion of knowledge has not produced an expansion of consciousness, Saul observed. It has instead caused us to take refuge in a universe of illusions wherein clear language becomes a kind of transgression. We render ourselves unconscious. Ideologies substitute for thought.
The clarity of language used by students protesting the genocide of Palestine violates the requirement that language be used to obscure reality. Thus the protesters are hated.
China laughs at America. According to this source ( ) a reporter on China’s CCTV said “Jews represent a mere 3% of the US population but control more than 70% of its wealth and is US’ most influential minority. Six or seven Jews control 200+ of US’ most influential companies.”
Is this true? We will never know, because if it is true it is anti-semitic and with the bill just passed by Congress carries a prison sentence.
Criminalizing speech alleged to be anti-semitic is just the beginning. We are already headed into an educational system where stepping outside what is permissible to think and to speak is punishable.