The notion that the US or any Western country is a democracy accountable to the people is the most absurd notion in human history

The notion that the US or any Western country is a democracy accountable to the people is the most absurd notion in human history

“One of the aspects of the emergence of the student movement is that ….there is more and more clarity that the allegation of antisemitism is simply a pretext for suppressing legitimate protest against Israel’s genocidal policies against the people of Gaza. I should also add that among the list of surprises is the fact that a group of Jewish billionaires—in order to suppress campus criticism of Israeli genocide—are now openly using the blackmail weapon. They are telling the universities, the Board of Trustees, and the president—that unless you repress these demonstrations, we are going to withhold our hundreds of millions of dollars.

“This is without question, the most brazen assault by the private sector on academic freedom in our country’s history. And compounding that, there is now an assault by the right-wing in our country exploiting the false claim of antisemitism to repress academic freedom on our campuses. So, it began with Jewish billionaires trying to repress dissent of Israel, and now that false claim of antisemitism is being used by the right-wing in our country to repress any critical thought on our campuses. This is not just an assault on academic freedom, but it’s also a prefiguration of a fascist movement among the right-wing and supported by the billionaire class to suppress any dissent beginning on college campuses but then eventually spreading everywhere else.” — Norman Finkelstein on Genocide in Gaza,

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