Rasmussen Poll Reports that two-thirds of Americans Believe US Is in Crisis from Immigrant-invasion

Rasmussen Poll Reports that two-thirds of Americans Believe US Is in Crisis from Immigrant-invasion

The survey released yesterday shows that 65% of voters believe their country is being invaded. A majority of respondents in every demographic category – including 73% of Hispanics, 74% of blacks, 63% of women, 55% of Democrats, 80% of Republicans, and 70% of voters under age 40 – agreed with the statement that it’s ‘very accurate’ or ‘somewhat accurate’ to call the flood of illegal migrant crossings an invasion. Just 15% of US adults believe that it’s ‘not at all accurate’.

Even more voters, 72%, believe the situation at the border is a “crisis.” Similarly, 70% of Americans, including 63% of Democrats, see border security as a vital national security interest, the poll shows.  https://www.rt.com/news/590298-us-border-crisis-seen-as-invasion-poll/ 

In response, Biden’s “democratic response” orders Homeland Security to cut more holes in the fence.  “Our” president only represents 15% of Americans and 100% of the immigrant-invaders.  Does anyone really believe Americans elected this fool?

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