The Democrats Who Now Comprise the World’s Largest Body of Totalitarians Tried to Use a House Hearing on Censorship to Censor Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Considering the large representation of Democrats in Congress and their control of the Executive Branch, it is cause to wonder if the American people any longer have commitment to civil liberty or are they too insouciant to have any comprehension whatsoever of the totalitarian regime the Democrats are raising on the ruins of America.
Robert Kennedy is aware of the crisis we face and makes it completely clear that without free speech and discussion we have totalitarianism.
The House Democrats make it clear that that is what they intend–a totalitarian government in their hands.
And Americans vote for them.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Makes Incendiary False Charges Against Robert F. Kennedy Jr in House Hearing in Her Effort to Prevent Him from Speaking
Is Debbie Wasserman Schultz the Reason Americans are Turning Against Jews?