Here is a 4 minute video of dumbshit celebrities, media whores, and politicians blaming the unvaccinated for the spread of Covid

Here is a 4 minute video of dumbshit celebrities, media whores, and politicians blaming the unvaccinated for the spread of Covid It is amazing that Americans look up to such amazingly stupid people. It was the vaccinated who died and are suffering gruesome health injuries. 

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This is what American parents get when they send their children to public schools

This is what American parents get when they send their children to public schools 

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The Criminalization of Truth in the Western World

Support this Website The Criminalization of Truth in the Western World Paul Craig Roberts Time is running out on truth, the telling of which is being criminalized. In his Introduction to the 1946 edition of Brave New World, Aldous Huxley noted that the greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by dong something, but by refraining from doing. Great is…

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