By: pcr3|16 January, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Amazon Banned Parler and Is Selling a Shirt on Amazon that says “Kill All Republicans”
Read more »By: pcr3|16 January, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Here They Come It is just like The Camp of the Saints. The Establishment Has Thrown Open the Borders. We Have Lost Our Country. First the election is stolen. Next the country is stolen.
Read more »By: pcr3|16 January, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
The War Against Conservative Americans Moves Into High Gear Corrupt US Attorney Setting Up Trump Supporters for Kidnapping and Assassination Conspiracies Corrupt New York Attorney General Brings False Case Against NRA Fascist Cancel Culture Runs Amok Bloomberg Evening Briefing “Supporters of President Donald Trump who attacked the U.S. Capitol last week were planning to “capture and assassinate” elected officials, federal…
Read more »By: pcr3|16 January, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Cancel Culture Is Fascism I will never purchase another Ralph Lauren item. If a person wants to call himself a name out of frustration with himself, that is none of anyone else’s business. Note also that no one is ever cancelled for calling a straight white person a name. Why are white people so stupid as to support companies who…
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