Breaking News—New York Times Caught In Massive Deception

Breaking News—New York Times Caught In Massive Deception Capitol Hill Policeman Murdered by Triump Violent Insurrection Is a Lie Made Up by the NY Times Glenn Greenwald exposes the New York Times fake news story of officer Brian Sicknick allegedly beat to death with a fire extinguisher by Trump supporters at the “Capitol violent insurrection.” The story is entirely the…

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Breaking news: Russia Has Given Up On Negotiations and Will Resolve the Donbass Issue by Recognizing the Independence of the Republics

Feb 21, 2022, 12:30pm US Central time Russia Has Given Up On Negotiations and Will Resolve the Donbass Issue by Recognizing the Independence of the Republics Paul Craig Roberts As I sit down to write Tass has not yet announced Putin’s decision about Russia’s recognization of the Donetsk and Luhansk republics, formerly Russian territory that the Soviet government attached to…

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New York Times & Associated Press Admit They Lied

New York Times & Associated Press Admit They Lied Caught Out, They Had No Alternative To “Yes We Told Lies” How do we explain a “media” that does its best to destroy the President of the United States in order to prevent him from making peace with Russia? Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of the presstitutes lied…

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Quarterly Call For Donations and New Column

Quarterly Call For Donations Paul Craig Roberts Dear friends, readers often ask me what they can do as individuals. My answer is that there are three things you can do that are effective. First, be aware that solutions are pointless until there is awareness. You can help to build awareness by recommending this site. If we could get as little…

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A Tale of Two Cats

A Tale of Two Cats Paul Craig Roberts As readers know, this is not a feel good site. It is not a BS site or a gossip site. This is a site for people who want to know what is really happening and why it is happening. It is for people who value family, the Constitution and a morally, politically,…

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The Most Astounding Feature of the Assange Case

The Most Astounding Feature of the Assange Case Paul Craig Roberts The most extraordinary thing about Julian Assange is that he is being treated as if he were an American citizen. “Treason” was the original cry, now converted to “espionage.” There was no espionage. Wikileaks published, and made available to the New York Times, The Guardian, and other media organizations…

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Israel’s Culture of Deceit

Israel’s Culture of Deceit Chris Hedges Explains Israel Chris Hedges was foreign correspondent for 15 years for The New York Times and served as the Middle East Bureau Chief of the NYT.  He was awarded a Pulitzer Prize. Americans are so totally indoctrinated and brainwashed by Israeli propaganda that they are fully complicit in the worst war crimes in human…

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As Immigrant-invaders surge into Blue Cities, Democrats suddenly embrace a Border Wall

As Immigrant-invaders surge into Blue Cities, Democrats suddenly embrace a Border Wall Glenn Greenwald Now that Immigrant-invaders are showing up in blue cities, the Democrats have decided to build the racist Trump border wall It was great when the Democrats could hug the immigrant-invaders at a distance with words, but it is different when the immigrant-invaders get too close What…

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Florida Governor Forced to Remove State Attorney Who Will Not Enforce Criminal Law Against Blacks 

Support this website or lose it Florida Governor Forced to Remove State Attorney Who Will Not Enforce Criminal Law Against Blacks  Paul Craig Roberts Monique Worrell, a black female Democrat Florida state attorney who avoids punishing black criminals for crimes, was removed from office by Governor Ron DeSantis.  The despicable  media whores accused DeSantis of “racism.”   Judge for yourself. …

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The Matrix Has Tightened Its Grip

The Matrix Has Tightened Its Grip Paul Craig Roberts The English language Russian media organizations, RT and Sputnik, and the new online and I think print newspaper, The Epoch Times, provide news and information that never appear on CNN, MSNBC, over NPR, or in the New York Times, but their reporting could be much better. The problem for RT, Sputnik,…

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Don’t Believe the Lie that There Was No Election Fraud

Don’t Believe the Lie that There Was No Election Fraud There was fraud in the mail-in ballots and in the Dominion voting machines and software.  Details are here:  The “Dominion” of Election Fraud? …Exposing the Dominion Voting Machines. BRETT REDMAYNE-TITLEY • NOVEMBER 17, 2020 “The maintenance of Americans’ constitutional rights should not depend on the good graces and sketchy…

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The Murder of the First Amendment

The Murder of the First Amendment Paul Craig Roberts The illegal and unwarranted prosecution of Julian Assange by the US Government in a British court, if court it is and not a Star Chamber, is in fact the prosecution of the First Amendment. It will prevent journalists in the future from informing the public of criminal activity by government. This…

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Germany’s War by John Wear, Epilogue: Creation of the Modern World

Germany’s War by John Wear:  Epilogue World War II was supposedly fought to stop fascist aggression and to create democratic institutions in the liberated nations of Europe. However, within a remarkably short period after the end of the war, the Soviet Union ruthlessly subjected Eastern Europe to its totalitarian control. The Red Army brought Moscow-trained secret policemen into every Soviet…

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Germany’s War by John Wear, Chapter 10: Crimes Committed by Germany During World War II

Germany’s War by John Wear:  Chapter 10 Traditional historians usually characterize National Socialist Germany as a barbaric, vile, uncivilized, and criminal regime. For example, one historian states that in 1945, “Nazism was not only exposed to the German people as a catastrophic failure on its own terms, but was also revealed to all as an assault on civilized values.”1 Another…

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Germany’s War by John Wear, Chapter 9: Crimes Committed in German Concentration Camps

Readers have asked for the remaining chapters of John Wear’s book, Germany’s War.  The last chapter posted was about the crimes that Germany did not commit. The next two are about the crimes that Germany did commit. The final chapter is about WW II lies that created the postwar world. Germany’s War by John Wear: Ch. 9, Crimes committed in…

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Schiff Is Laying Groundwork for Tying Up Trump’s Second Term in More False Charges

Schiff Is Laying Groundwork for Tying Up Trump’s Second Term in More False Charges Paul Craig Roberts There is no evidence that Russia is interfering in the 2020 US presidential election in order to reelect Trump.  Nor is there any reason for Russia to prefer Trump, who has done nothing for Russia.  Indeed, Trump has imposed sanctions and endangered Russia…

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Germany’s War by John Wear, Chapter 8: The Alleged Genocide of European Jewry

Germany’s War by John Wear:  The genocide of European Jewry by National Socialist Germany is widely considered to be the most thoroughly documented event in human history. Tens of thousands of books, magazine, and newspaper articles have been written and numerous criminal trials have been conducted to document the mass extermination of European Jewry. The crimes of Germany against…

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The German Holocaust: Germany’s War, Chapter 7: History’s Most Terrifying Peace

The  war propaganda that demonized Germany and made Dwight D. Eisenhower into a war criminal also made mass rapists out of the allied troops at the expense of 2,000,000 German girls and women.  “The Greatest Generation” indeed. Germany’s War by John Wear:  Germany’s unconditional surrender to the Allies marked the end of a long nightmare for German citizens and…

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Eisenhower’s Death Camps

Eisenhower’s Death Camps Germany’s War by John Wear, Chapter 5: Allied POW Camps World War II is often referred to as the “Good War,” a morally clear-cut conflict between good and evil.1 The “Good War” is also claimed to have led to a good peace. After a period of adjustment, the United States generously adopted the Marshall Plan and put…

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The Holocaust

Help Truth Survive — Support Your Website Donate: The Holocaust Having been fraudulently declared on Wikipedia by CIA and Zionist trolls to be a “Holocaust Denier,” I decided to see what that meant. I turned to Ron Unz’s article “American Pravda: Holocaust Denial.” Just as incompetent Wikipedia attributed David Irving’s views to me, no doubt Wikipedia will credit me…

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Is America in Her Final Days?  Will America Be Here Next Year, Next Decade? 

Is America in Her Final Days?  Will America Be Here Next Year, Next Decade?   Paul Craig Roberts Will the American People Rise Against Adam Shit, the Bitch Pelosi, and the Nadler Turd and Save their Country from Ruin, or will the American People Submit to The Rule By Lies?  What Confidence Can We Have in the American People? Many people…

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Compelling Proof of the Coup Plot Against Trump

Compelling Proof of the Coup Plot Against Trump Proof that Rod Rosenstein, former Deputy Attorney General, was an Organizer of the Treasonous Plot to Unseat President Trump Judicial Watch Uncovers Rosenstein Email to Mueller: ‘The Boss’ Doesn’t Know We’re Talking  Rod Rosenstein, who was once a deputy attorney general, is a key figure in enabling, at a minimum, the Deep State’s seditious attacks on President Trump.   More proof is in…

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Everything Is A Hoax

Everything Is A Hoax Paul Craig Roberts An Israeli expert on terrorism and covert assassination procedures explains that the alleged Russian GRU attack on the Skripals with a supposedly deadly nerve agent is a completely obvious hoax to anyone who knows anything at all. The official story, says the expert, is “stupidity on stupidity.” I agree with him. The…

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The FBI Hand Behind Russia-gate

The FBI Hand Behind Russia-gate
 By Ray McGovern As I have reported from the beginning, Russiagate is an orchestrated hoax by the security agencies for the purpose of preventing Trump from normalizing relations with Russia and, if necessary, for removing him from office. Russiagate is an act of treason by the security agencies. Those responsible must be arrested, prosecuted, and…

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