The Future of This Website

The Future of This Website Dear Readers: As of 2:12 US East Coast time on December 6, this website has had 4,495,316 visits in 2019, half from the US and half from abroad. That number places this website in the highest visibility rank that an individual’s website can attain. The question keeps coming up whether the site should be monetized…

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The Holocaust

Help Truth Survive — Support Your Website Donate: The Holocaust Having been fraudulently declared on Wikipedia by CIA and Zionist trolls to be a “Holocaust Denier,” I decided to see what that meant. I turned to Ron Unz’s article “American Pravda: Holocaust Denial.” Just as incompetent Wikipedia attributed David Irving’s views to me, no doubt Wikipedia will credit me…

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Hong Kong Riots Sponsored By Washington

Support your website Hong Kong Riots Sponsored By Washington The presstitutes lie about events in Hong Kong just as they lie about everything else. The violent riots in Hong Kong are financed by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). NED was created in 1983 for the purpose of destabilizing the Soviet vassal states in Eastern Europe. It is financed with…

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