A Cabinet of the Cancelled

A Cabinet of the Cancelled

Paul Craig Roberts

Abigail Shrier writes in the City Journal that the members of Trump’s “Cabinet of the Cancelled” understand the danger of government coercion because they have experienced it firsthand.  And so has Trump and thousands of his supporters.

Shrier does a service by reminding us of the intense attempt of the Biden regime to revolutionize our society by attacking our principles and replacing a merit-based color-blind society with a status-based society of privileges based on race, gender, and sexual preference. The Biden regime weaponized law in order to cancel people who spoke truth to the regimes’ official narratives and to silence people by censoring and imprisoning them. 1,500 Trump supporters were sentenced for attending a rally, and right-to-life protesters were imprisoned for opposing a practice that during the first part of my life the law considered murder.

With Biden regime protection, Child Protective Services considered it child abuse for parents to oppose sex change operations or fail to use a child’s pronouns chosen for him by DEI propagandists at his public school, and children were seized from “abusive” parents.  Large numbers of traditional Americans found themselves  living in a dystopian novel.

An effort was made to destroy the US military with DEI and mandated vaccination. Traditional military families turned their sons away from military service.

Covid “vaccines” were forced on those who had too much sense to submit to vaccination with an untested experimental and known dangerous substance.  The great horror of abortion advocates spread into the male population. Both genders lost control over their own bodies to coerced vaccination.

The examples are endless. Tulsi Gabbard was placed on a government watch list and subjected to airport harassment simply for being critical of the Biden regime.  Stanford University Medical School professor Jay Bhattacharya was “cancelled” by social media companies at the insistence of the Biden regime’s Surgeon General.  Elon Musk’s companies were targeted with regulatory harassment because he returned free speech to Twitter, now known as X. Skepticism expressed about the safety and effectiveness of the Covid “vaccine” got doctors fired, their medical licenses confiscated by utterly corrupt “medical boards” acting on Big Pharma’s orders under the protection of Fauci and the Biden FDA.  Others who interfered with Big Pharma’s profits were branded “enemies of the people” and threatened with arrest.  

Americans were not even permitted to object to males participating in female sports or to men gaining access  to female locker rooms by self-declaring themselves to be women.

During the Biden attack on America, the most serious crime was not treason or mass murder.  The most serious crime was opposition to DEI.

As I explained yesterday, the enemies arrayed against Trump and his supporters are in control of all American institutions, public and private. The federal bureaucracy is against him. His appointees must be culture warriors, because they are greatly outnumbered by a force that has been conducting culture war against America for decades.

The agenda of the Woke Democrats is no less than the revolutionary overthrow of the United States and its replacement with a race and gender status-based hierarchy in which white heterosexual males are second class citizens in law.  White males who vote Democrat are endorsing their own demise and are the epitome of insouciant dumbshits.

During the next four years the fate of America’s constitutional order will be determined.  


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