Iran War Hawks Getting Wrecked In Trump Personnel Fight
Paul Craig Roberts
I cannot attest to the accuracy of this story, but it is such good news that I am sharing it with you. If you come across confirmation or rebuttal, please share it with me.
It seems Trump has come to his senses about Israel, having realized that unless the genocide of the Palestinians halts, he cannot establish peace in the Middle East. In other words, Trump realizes that it is Israel that is the barrier to peace. Consequently, Trump has kept the Zionist warmonger neoconservatives out of his administration.
Trump has stripped scum like Mike Pompey, John Bolton and Brian Hook of their self-important security details. Trump should take the next step and force the war criminal Netanyahu out of office. Netanyahu is under indictment in Israel and lacks majority support even in Israel. Trump could easily tell the Israeli government that either Netanyahu goes or all US support for Israel goes. As the US pays the piper, the US should call the tune.
Here is a contrary view to the above:
Trump Reveals Plan For The Ethnic Cleansing Of Gaza