The West’s Official Narratives Live On in the Russian Media
Paul Craig Roberts
I wonder at Western governments’ opposition to Russian media sources such as RT and Sputnik as both faithfully repeat the complete lies that comprise the West’s official narratives. For example, RT’s headline is:
Trump pardons January 6 rioters
The 47th US president has issued “full pardons” to around 1,500 people associated with the storming of the Capitol in 2021
With all the information that is available, how is it possible for a news organization to describe a protest over a stolen election as a riot, and a “storming of the Capitol”?
It is true that FBI agents and DC police tried to turn the protest into violence, but they failed. The violence was limited to the federal agents and police who tried to stir up violence. As all of the videos released by the House of Representatives clearly and unambiguously show, the Capitol police opened the doors and showed the protesters around the capital.
The American whore media lied through its teeth, as it always does, with the consequence that it has been abandoned by most of the American people.
RT and Sputnik are discrediting themselves by repeating the lies that have caused Americans to abandon the presstitute Western media.