The PCR Podcast:  The Destruction of Syria Is a Step Toward Wider War

The PCR Podcast:  The Destruction of Syria Is a Step Toward Wider War

In the latest episode Soren Korsgaard and I discuss the dramatic change in the correlation of forces that has resulted from Syria’s destruction.

We provide a reasonably good explanation.  Twice I say Saudi Arabia  when I mean Iran and once I say Soviet Union when I mean Russia. The podcasts are not scripted, and when trying to come up with thoughtful answers to good questions it is easy to stumble with words and names.

The biases against Russia, Iran, and Muslims in the US are the consequences of long standing propaganda from the Cold War, the Iranian Revolution that threw out Washington’s puppet and took over the US embassy, and 9/11 which was blamed on Muslims.  The grasp this propaganda has on Americans makes it difficult for most to understand that what has occurred in Syria is not a victory but a step toward further war.  By walking away from the challenge, Putin has made another strategic blunder. 

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