The American Media, FBI, “Intelligence Community” Have Zero Respect for Truth

The American Media, FBI, “Intelligence Community” Have Zero Respect for Truth

Have we all forgotten how the presstitutes, the FBI, the “intelligence coumunity” lied through their teeth that the information on the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation ?
Watch the 20 minute video for a sample of blatant lies:

James Clapper, director of National Intelligence, said on CNN that the Hunter Biden Laptop is “classic, textbook Soviet, Russian tradecraft at work. The Russians have analyzed the target, they understand that the president and his enablers crave dirt on Vice President Biden, whether its real or contrived, it doesn’t matter to them. And so all of a sudden, two and a half weeks before the election, this laptop appears, somehow, and the emails without any metadata, it’s all very curious.”

How can a person who tells such blatant lies be a respected person?

In case you don’t know, the incriminating material on the laptop has been authenticated as real and not Russian disinformation. It was the Democrats, the FBI, the “intelligence community,” and the media who interfered with the election by hiding information from the American people.

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