The Ever Widening War

The Ever Widening War Gilbert Doctorow: “In a six minute interview this morning on India’s premier English-language global broadcaster, I was given the opportunity to talk about video coverage of ongoing Russian military exercises using nuclear capable missiles at the Ukrainian border.  In particular, Russian state television yesterday drew attention to their MIG31s carrying nuclear armed hypersonic Kinzhal missiles. …

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Unsealed Court Documents Reveal FBI Was Given Permission to Use Deadly Force in Mar-a-Lago Raid

Fox News Reports that Biden’s Justice (sic) Department was authorized to use “deadly force” in the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago. Apparently, the Biden regime was hoping for resistance that would give them an excuse to assassinate President Trump and to murder his Secret Service protection. The documents proving this were unsealed by Federal judge Aileen Cannon. We have the Biden…

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Did The Dulles Brothers Seal Our Fate?

Did The Dulles Brothers Seal Our Fate? Paul Craig Roberts The “Soviet Threat” which became Washington’s foreign policy mindset was a self-serving creation of Allen and Foster Dulles. The consequences of their creation and its recreation by the US neoconservatives await us unaddressed. Some years ago I reviewed Stephen Kinzer’s book, The Brothers, an extraordinary account of two men long…

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The Banning of Reality

The Banning of Reality PCR interviewed by Jason Liosatos

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Why is the US Creating Deadlier, More Contagious Bird Flu Strains

Why Is the US Creating Deadlier, More Contagious Bird Flu Strains

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