Jim Quinn Informs us that the Covid Coercion Was a Test to See How Compliant the Sheeple Would Be
“Control the manner in which a man interprets his world, and you have gone a long way toward controlling his behavior.”
“The disappearance of a sense of responsibly is the most far-reaching consequence of submission to authority.” –Stanley Milgram
The “covid experiment” was a masterclass in the use of authority to coerce, intimidate, and compel the ignorant masses into conforming to an orchestrated “reality.”
“If you didn’t believe we are ruled by an invisible government (aka Deep State) of men who pull the strings of society and manipulate the minds of the masses to achieve whatever outcome benefits themselves, then the “covid experiment” should remove all doubt. The entire covid episode was planned beforehand (Event 201) with multiple objectives, all to the benefit of those conducting this experiment, with us as the disposable test subjects in their diabolical plot. The hubris of these tyrants has grown to epic proportions, as they see their “experiment” as an unmitigated triumph of authoritarian measures.
“We know maybe 20% to 30% of the population resisted the measures imposed by the Deep State ruling class, therefore distinguishing themselves as the sole fly in the ointment of the “covid experiment”. There is no doubt they will be introducing their next “experiment” in totalitarianism within the next nine months, as the presidential election potentially derails their ongoing efforts to pillage and plunder the remaining wealth accumulated by the plebs. Will it be an engineered financial collapse, an invasion of Haitian cannibals, another lab created disease, activation of the millions of illegal invaders to create chaos, a coordinated takedown of the electrical grid/internet, assassinating Trump and initiating civil war, or finally crossing Putin’s red line in Ukraine and triggering global conflict?
“Resistance during the “covid experiment” meant not going along with their narrative and directives. It was more of a passive resistance. It didn’t stop them from accomplishing their aims. They used the experiment to ramp Federal spending from $4.4 trillion to over $7 trillion, with most of the increase going directly into their Deep State pockets, while leaving the plebs with raging inflation, an enormous increase in their debt load, and a drastically reduced standard of living.
“In order to resist their next “experiment” in destroying our society will require the use of those 300 million firearms scattered among the 20% to 30% of households who are capable and willing to say NO. That may seem too dire and apocalyptic, but these psychopaths in suits will not stop until they fear for their own lives. The time for action approaches and their “experiments” must be terminated, if we hope to have any semblance of the Republic we were given 235 years ago.”
Read the entire article: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/03/13/the-covid-experiment/