The Ever-Widening War

The Ever-Widening War  Perhaps Russia does need a coup.  By stupidly refusing to bring the Ukraine conflict to an end, Putin is encouraging nuclear war. With the demise of the Wagner Group it is unclear that Russia is capable of bringing the conflict to an end.  Now it seems a purge of “disloyal generals” might be underway.  By…

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The Ever-Widening War: Polish & Lithuanian troops to Ukraine?

The Ever-Widening War: Polish & Lithuanian troops to Ukraine? I have no confidence in social media and do not say this account (below) is correct.  However, if it is correct, it is yet more evidence that Putin’s butt-sitting is widening the war, which does not serve Russia’s interest and increases the chances of nuclear war. Victor vicktop55 @vicktop55 Polish President…

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If you were not harmed by your vax, it is because it was a placebo

If you were not harmed by your vax, it is because it was a placebo German scientists discover that Pfizer’s Covid vax varied in lethality Were placebos given in order to bill a safety record for the vax? 

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How America Discredited White Racial Identity, Patriotism, and Traditional Religiosity

How America Discredited White Racial Identity, Patriotism, and Traditional Religiosity “Every government in the West is constantly looking for racism and ethnocentrism among its own people.” “You are allowed to mock God all you want, but certain groups and historical events are beyond question, and you will be thrown in jail for blaspheming them.” 

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