By: pcr3|25 October, 2022|Categories: Guest Contributions
How History Changes Out from Under Us Britain, once the ruler of India, now has an Indian Hindu for her Prime Minister Open borders dissolve the Western World. In America white native-born citizens are now branded “racist white supremacists,” “Trump Deplorables,” and “domestic extremists.” The males among them are the last hired and the first fired. The Camp of…
Read more »By: pcr3|25 October, 2022|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Destruction of Medicine in the West Is Far Advanced, Especially in Australia, a Medical Hellhole You would be better off with an African Witch Doctor than with Australian Medicine
Read more »By: pcr3|25 October, 2022|Categories: Articles & Columns
Armageddon Is Closer Than You Think Paul Craig Roberts The world is facing catastrophe, and there is no awareness. For years I and Stephen Cohen, while he was still alive, advised that Washington’s provocations of Russia, including those of its NATO puppet states, were misguided and counter-productive. Even prior to the fall of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev was open for…
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