By: pcr3|24 September, 2022|Categories: Guest Contributions
The History of the Liberated Russian Regions of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporozhye This article gives the history of the Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporozhye regions, which are currently voting in an exercise of self-determination whether to be reunited with Russia. The regions have been Russian since the time of Catherine the Great in the 1700s. These are regions where…
Read more »By: pcr3|24 September, 2022|Categories: Guest Contributions
Global Planned Financial Tsunami Has Just Begun Take Note
Read more »By: pcr3|24 September, 2022|Categories: Articles & Columns
Putin’s Address to the Russian People, September 21, 2022 A translation is below Introduction by Paul Craig Roberts The Western media is a collection of liars in a propaganda ministry, and its so-called “Russian experts” are for the most part Russophobes operating on grants from the US military/security complex. Consequently, Westerners have no valid understanding of the conflict in Ukraine,…
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