As Italy is devoid of male leadership, Gina Lollobrigida takes on the role

Gina Lollobrigida today.  You attractive women out there, keep in mind that age will come to you also. It happens to all of us. This lady, now 95, is still full of spunk.  She is running for the Italian Senate under the banner of the Euroskeptic alliance, which defines itself as “the only alternative to liberal warmongering and healthcare totalitarianism.”…

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John Derbyshire Reasons that White People in America Are Over and Done With

John Derbyshire Reasons that White People in America Are Over and Done With How long before a white American cannot resist a black home invasion without being brought up on a civil rights charge?  First white Americans cannot defend their neighborhoods.  Then they cannot defend their homes and their persons. 

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How Western Civilization Was Erased

How Western Civilization Was Erased Paul Craig Roberts When I was a student, school principles and university administrations were very supportive of teachers.  It was understood that once teachers could be accused by students, learning discipline would break down, and  control would be lost over grading, standards, and course content.   This is what has happened. A teacher’s life has…

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