The West Repudiates Its Art Forms as well as Its Literature, History, Values, and Civilization

The West Repudiates Its Art Forms as well as Its Literature, History, Values, and Civilization

Le Figaro Culture reports:

“One of the UK’s leading dance schools, the Northern School of Contemporary Dance (NSCD) in Leeds, has scrapped classical ballet auditions.

The establishment decided to make the program more inclusive and “gender neutral”, having considered the male and female roles of classical ballet to discriminate against non-binary and transgender people.

 She also describes the ballet as “elitist” and rooted in “the ideas of white Europeans”.

In short, the vast majority of people who are not non-binary and transgendered are to be discriminated against for being normal and will be denied ballet performances.

What this means is that the West may only endorse cultures that are not its own.  

So what is a country without a culture except the perverse culture of a tiny percentage of abnormal people?  The dictatorship of the many by the few.  And this is “inclusive.”


«L’une des principales écoles de danse du Royaume-Uni, la Northern School of Contemporary Dance (NSCD) de Leeds, a supprimé les auditions de ballet classique.

L’établissement a décidé de rendre le programme plus inclusif et “gender neutral”, ayant jugé les rôles masculins et féminins du ballet classique discriminatoires envers les personnes non-binaires et transgenres.

 Elle qualifie, par ailleurs, le ballet comme “élitiste” et ancré dans “les idées des Européens blancs”

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