US National Security Advisor Speaks Total Nonsense

US National Security Advisor Speaks Total Nonsense

The US and Europe are in Grave Danger if Our National Security Advisor Really Believes that a “3,000-strong deployment to Europe” suffices to “defend our NATO allies” and to send a “clear message” to Russia that “aggression” against those allies will be met with a “stiff response.”

The small number is meaningless. Obviously, the National Security Advisor doesn’t actually believe his own words that Russia could invade Ukraine “as soon as tomorrow.” If he believed his own words, he would send 100 times more soldiers, but even 300,000 would be quickly rolled over by a Russian army.

What is all this US posturing about? How silly are Biden, the National Security Advisor, the New York Times and the rest of the mentally demented going to look when there is no Russian invasion? Do they have a sure-fire plan to provoke a Russian invasion?

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