By: pcr3|15 January, 2021|Categories: Articles & Columns
Don’t Fall For The Establishment’s Tall Tales. There Was No “Violent Assault on the Capitol” and There is Abundant Evidence of Electoral Fraud In this important column I provide you with evidence that there was no assault on the Capitol, and I provide you with so much evidence that there was massive electoral fraud that it will take you all…
Read more »By: pcr3|15 January, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
The World and Many Americans Do Not Realize That the US Is Now a Cancel Culture Totalitarian State in Which Exercise of the First Amendment Is Domestic Terrorism Welcome to the Gulag of 2021 The Aftermath of the January 6 Stop the Steal Rally by Boyd Cathey There has been abundant and over-the-top discussion about the events of this past…
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