The Republican Establishment Sees Trump as a Threat and Wants Him Out

The Republican Establishment Sees Trump as a Threat and Wants Him Out Paul Craig Roberts I have long reported that Trump did not understand Washington, did not know who to appoint, and would have an establishment government hung around his neck.  The two non-establishment appointees he made—Gen. Flynn and Bannon—were quickly eliminated by the establishment. I have several times asked…

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Mathematician Shows That in Arizona the Dominion Machines Counted Biden Votes as 1.3 Votes and Trump Votes as 0.7 Votes

  Mathematician Shows That in Arizona the Dominion Machines Counted Biden Votes as 1.3 Votes and Trump Votes as 0.7 Votes Dr. Shiva  Ayyadurai explaines that the machines have a feature that permits “vote weighting” and that the only reason for such a feature is election fraud. This presentation to the Arizona legislators is worth the 32.5 minutes of your…

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Erasing the White Male

Erasing the White Male Paul Craig Roberts For a number of years I have witnessed the disappearance of the white male from the publications and fund-raising materials sent to me by Georgia Tech and Merton College, Oxford University. The materials feature women and foreigners, and I am puzzled that the institutions believe that a person who remembers his college differently…

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