By: pcr3|03 November, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
Does America Have a Future? Paul Craig Roberts If the election is close tonight, the presstitutes will call it for Biden as that will be their way of putting Trump on the defensive. By repeating over and over that Biden has won, the presstitutes will position Trump as disputing the outcome and intending to remain in office. If polls are…
Read more »By: pcr3|03 November, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
The American Collapse Continues Philip Giraldi and Philadelphia’s Mayor Jim Kenney Show Us What A Biden/Kamala Presidency Would Bring Censorship Is Closing In on America Glenn Greenwald, censored by the online media institution that he founded, has resigned from The Intercept. He was not allowed to report on the Biden scandal. The Result of Dumbing-Down University Curriculums is…
Read more »By: pcr3|03 November, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
The British Police Once Respected Have Completely Discredited Themselves
Read more »By: pcr3|03 November, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
Britain and America Are Wiping Themselves Off of the Face of the Earth Paul Craig Roberts Britain and America are in a race to see who can be first to reject their culture and repudiate their history. In Britain museums Are Hiding Their Exhibits Because They Show Savagery of Primitive (a politically incorrect word) Societies Instead of Equality with, or…
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