Hanoi Meeting Failed Because Bolton Prefers Regime Change to a Deal on Nuclear Weapons Mike Whitney explains what happened. The Trump administration wants the North to open its markets on Washington’s terms which means the mass privatization of state-owned assets and preferential treatment for the uncompetitive, monopolistic US-backed mega-corporations that control the state behind the illusion of democratic government. http://www.unz.com/mwhitney/what-really-happened-in-hanoi/…
Read more »Americans Are So Feeble-Minded They Brainwash Easily https://news.gallup.com/poll/247100/majority-americans-consider-russia-critical-threat.aspx How can such a propagandized people possibly be free?
Read more »By: pcr3|06 March, 2019|Categories: Articles & Columns . Guest Contributions
Support Your Website: https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/pages/donate/ The Persecution of Julian Assange Is the Persecution of Truth The Moral Bankruptcy of the Western World Paul Craig Roberts “The persecution of Julian Assange is the conquest of us all: of our independence, our self respect, our intellect, our compassion, our politics, our culture.” — John Pilger The next time an American, Britisher, or Australian…
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