Who Rules France? Not the French
The Representative Council of Jewish Organizations in France (CRIF) has instructed their puppet, the President of France, to criminalize opposition to Israel’s racist state ideology of Zionism. The puppet complied. Anti-Zionism is now equated with anti-Semitism. As Israel is Zionist, criticizing Israel is now considered hatred of Jews and is a hate crime. Thus has Macron put the final nail in the coffin of the Palestinian people and silenced all citizens of France who have a moral conscience and oppose the Israeli theft of Palestine and slaughter of the Palestinian people. https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/france-criminalize-anti-zionism?utm_source=EI+readers&utm_campaign=7b177476c6-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_e802a7602d-7b177476c6-290660781
Macron’s masters have also instructed him to shut down the Yellow Vests protests because they are anti-Semitic. Frances Kalifat, one of the puppet masters who pulls Macron’s strings, has instructed Macron that “Drastic measures must be taken to bring thse demonstrations to an end.”
Kalifat pulled a number out of a hat and said the demonstrations had caused a 74% increase in anti-semitic acts. He doesn’t mean assauts on French Jews and their property. An ani-semitic act occurs when a French citizen expresses dismay that Israeli troops have shot down another Palestinian child in the street.
Now that Israel’s will has been forced on the French people by the French government, we will see if “drastic measures” against the Yellow Vests means shooting them down in the street.