Washington’s Matrix Is Closing Down Truth Throughout the Western World

Washington’s Matrix Is Closing Down Truth Throughout the Western World Paul Craig Roberts For a number of years I have emphasized that 9/11 was used by Dick Cheney to significantly reduce the public’s, the judiciary’s, and Congress’ access to information about what the executive branch is doing, thereby preventing legal, legislative, and electoral action against the unlawful and unconstitutional behavior…

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Are Absurd Accusations Leading to War?

Are Absurd Accusations Leading to War? The charges that sustain the “Russiagate” hoax are too absurd to be believed. Apparently, there are no real reasons for Washington’s orchestrated conflict with Russia. https://www.rt.com/news/438477-russophobia-manafort-butina-cuba/

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America’s False History

America’s False History Paul Craig Roberts Support your website. There is no one to support it but you. David Ray Griffin writes books faster than I can read them. Therefore, I am going to borrow Edward Curtin’s review of Griffin’s history of the United States: The American Trajectory: Divine or Demonic? which Curtin suggests should have been titled: A Diabolic…

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